Does Ferrari Also Needs After Market Tuning?

Does Ferrari Also Needs After Market Tuning?

Despite of the fact that the cars manufactured by Italian car maker Ferrari are recognized for their power, speed and aerodynamics look there are lots of Ferrari owners who are not satisfied from the existing performance and manoeuvrability offered by these cars and therefore are in search of the options that are helpful in meeting their requirements. Interestingly, today there are lots of renowned car modifiers that offer the service of altering the existing power and performance of the cars depending upon the requirement of the owner or up-to the last level till which they can extract out the hidden power from that car . And therefore tuning the Ferrari is not an exception to it.

It would be interested that the service of Ferrari Tuning offered by these modifiers is not only applicable for the classic Ferrari cars that ruled the hearts decades back, but also for the recent Ferrari cars. Well, this might surprise that why the owner of F1 car will like to tune his Ferrari which is already blessed with powerful performance, because if an owner of an old Ferrari plans to modify the power and performance his car then his concern is quite understandable but tuning the new Ferrari do not seem feasible at first instance for a layman. Anyhow the best reply to this question can only be expected by the owner for such car, but still going through my knowledge I think to take out the hidden power generation efficiency of the car.

This might surprise, but it is the fact that whenever any of the manufacturers launches his new car in the market he hides its actual power generation and acceleration generating efficiency and launch the car with permissible figures that are allowed in the different regions depending upon its driving conditions. These deficiencies are although not recognized by a normal person, but as the owners of cars like Ferrari are already the great lovers of the car they are aware about these standards. Therefore, when they buy any of such cars they wish to take out that hidden power to enjoy the seamless drive of their beloved car.

Going through the needs of such Ferrari owners there are different types of tuning options for Ferrari cars offered by the modifiers that are helpful in enjoying the drive these super cars to their full extent. But before we know about those options, let us briefly understand the concept of car tuning.

What is car tuning: In simple terms it can be defined as the process of modifying the certain parameters of the car according to the requirements of the owners. The common components which can be modified are engine, exhaust system, ignition system, spoilers, wheels and few more. Modifying these components help in enjoying not only improved power and torque generation efficiency, but also improved performance in terms of fuel delivery efficiency, acceleration efficiency and smooth driving.

Tuning options for Ferrari Cars:

Engine tuning: With changing time there is change in the car manufacturing techniques, the cars manufactured today are smarter than their ancestors. With changing time and increasing use of computers in our day-to-day activities, computers have made their entrance in the manufacturing of the cars and therefore the engine installed in vehicles is controlled by the computer software installed in the engine control unit of the car controlling its functionality through sensors. Tuning the engine re-writes the program of the software with new parameters that are helpful in bringing out the actual performance of the car resulting in improved power generation efficiency and acceleration abilities.

Exhaust system: After engine tuning the most important component that needs to be tuned is the exhaust system, because it is the exhaust system that facilitates the smooth flow hazardous gases from the engine. As the system installed by the car makers are mostly made of cheap material it soon gets damaged due to regular wear and tear. Installing and upgrading the existing exhaust system with the aftermarket exhaust system helps in improvising the flow of these gases resulting improved fuel efficiency and emission figures.

Air intake system: As exhaust system helps in exit of harmful gases from the engine similarly air intake system helps in smooth flow of air and fuel to the engine. Upgrading the air intake system enhances the flow of air and fuel helping in enhancing the life of the engine.

Carbon fiber wheels: Installing the light weighted carbon fiber wheel not only minimizes the weight of your car, but also improves the manoeuvrability of your car.