Does Your Frustration Have a Message for You?

Does Your Frustration Have a Message for You?

Do you ever wonder why some things come so easily… and sometimes it’s so frustrating when what we want doesn’t seem to want us.

Make-up artist Tabatha O’Dell signed a new contract. But it suddenly got cancelled. In fact, she had nine contracts in a row that cancelled, one after the other. It was uncanny. She had doubts about what she was doing wrong. She began to worry about her financial situation… irritated that she was facing this yet again. She felt the struggle of trying to figure out what was happening, and she felt angry. Justifiably!

Has this ever happened to you? Have you ever experienced repeated successes, and then suddenly nothing seems to work as easily as it once did?

We sometimes allow ourselves to respond to a situation with frustration, rather than manage and direct the energy toward a desired outcome.

Your frustration has a message for you! It’s saying, “Stop! You’re going down the wrong path!” But wait… it isn’t that you’re going down the wrong path toward the wrong desire. Its message is that you need to move into a different frequency in order to get there.

Did you catch that?

The emotion of frustration… of all negative energy… is coming from how unwilling we are to manage our energy. We’ve allowed ourselves to respond to a situation with negative energy, rather than direct a more positive energy toward a more desired outcome.

This is what Tabatha came to realize, and you may find some similarities in her story. She realized that positive energy is like throwing fuel on a fire. It speeds things up, helping the manifestation come to fruition more quickly!

The frustration we feel is a message for us to move into a different vibration so that we can realize our desires.

Special tip: When you’re feeling frustrated and stuck, it’s never the situation… it’s your energy that’s become stuck, by the trigger of negative emotions from past situations.

In other words, it isn’t the pain of this situation; it’s the pain of not being connected to the natural energy of who you truly are at your core… of being connected to that creative part of you that’s a vibrational being who can use positive energies to magically create what you want and bring it into the physical world. Part of this process is to allow your desires to materialize, and not get stuck in the negative vibrations that block them.