Driving Instructions for Van Drivers

Driving Instructions for Van Drivers

First-time van drivers might find it a bit difficult to drive the vehicle on road particularly if it is too heavy and large. After all, driving a van is not as easy as you drive your regular car. There are many differences in gear selection and handling. Follow the driving instructions below on how to drive your van safely.

Instructions :

Listen attentively to the representative giving you advice at the van-hire depot. The representative offers you common information regarding ways to maneuver the van apart from providing with instructions on the vehicle controls.

A number of drivers wear sandals or high heels while driving van putting their lives at risk. Avoid doing this and instead wear the right pair of footwear. This is because some vans have clutches that may be quite heavy. Besides, pedal controls are bound to different compared to that in your usual car. It is advisable you wear regular trainers while driving the van safely.

Numerous vans might not come with a mirror that offers rear view, as a vehicle's rear part obstructs normal view. Here, one of the driving instructions is that you learn ways to make use of wing mirrors effectively. Equally important is adjusting them properly for having enough exterior visibility.

Concerning the van's interior, it is crucial to adjust the headrest and seat for having good driving position. This even proves helpful in case of accidents. Put on the seatbelt for ensuring safety at all times.

It is always necessary for van drivers to stay in total control of whichever van they drive on the road. Too much of speed makes you lose control and consequently you will have the trouble stopping in case of an emergency. Hence, another driving instruction is to be in control of your van with due check on the speed.