Druid Build – One Class, Endless Possibilities

Druid Build – One Class, Endless Possibilities

The Druids are your gods if you’re looking for a class that can do impressive tanking, ranged damage dealing and melee attacks while being capable of healing. But, despite having all these, Druids still need to focus on a specific Druid build so they become more effective.

The talents of the Druids are split between three different trees – Balance, Feral and Restoration.

{The Balance Tree}

This is the way to follow if you’re making a Druid that can specialize in ranged spell casting. This tree leads to a character whose play style lies somewhere between a Shadow Priest, a Mage, and an Elemental Shaman.

Most of the talents in the balance talent tree focus on enhancing ranged abilities and spells, increasing damage, on improving spell range, and in reducing threat. This tree also offers a few enhancements to any druids following the Restoration route.

Nature’s Majesty, the Eclipse, and the Moonkin Form are three of the most important talents to pick up from this build. The Nature’s Majesty is for increasing the damage of your Starfall, Starfire and Wrath abilities by as much 2% relative to the talent point spent on each. This talent also helps with your Balance Druid. Moonkin form is a shapeshift ability that allows you some very decent increases on your armor, raid spell crit, and spell critical strikes. The Eclipse, meanwhile, is perfect for raiding druids.

{The Feral Tree}

The tank and melee DPS of the Druids, the Feral Druid is essentially a combination of a Rogue and a Warrior that can also heal itself to boot. This tree focuses mainly on enhancing the strength of the Druid in its animal form. The Feral Druid can perform solid casting too since it still possesses the core abilities of the class. The Feral talent tree is very popular as a multi-purpose tree which can create characters that can do impressive soloing, PvP, raiding and leveling.

Three of the must-have talents from this tree are the Berserk, Furor and Predatory Strikes.

{The Restoration Tree}

The way to go if you want to be a Healing Druid, the Restoration tree has more than enough talents to turn your Druid into a dedicated healer. Under this talent tree, you get your hands on some extra very impressive healing spells, talents that may compliment your Feral or Balance Druid, and of course the Tree of Life.

As a Restoration Druid, you will have the game experience similar to a Priest, a Holy Paladin or a Restoration Shaman. {All of which are specified for healing}. Some of the talent to pick from this tree are the Intensity for better mana regeneration, the Improved Regeneration and the Tree of Life which is essentially the crown jewel of the tree.

You get the point – Druids are really versatile – they can take any role there is given of course that they are properly geared and specified for a specific role or Druid build.