Dry Skin Rash – A Curing Eczema Lunch

Dry Skin Rash – A Curing Eczema Lunch

Lunch and Dinner are interchangeable. I prefer to eat a large organic vegetable salad or soup for lunch and eat a more substantial meal for dinner. These salads are complete meals in their own right.

So for your large raw vegetable salad you can create a new combination every day. Choose from at least seven raw vegetables and top with generous helpings of sprouted seeds and grain.

Choose your salad basics from any of the following: cabbage, kale, fennel, chard, collards, lettuce, spinach, watercress, lamb’s lettuce, rocket, radicchio, carrots, turnips, parsnips, radishes, beetroot, celery, yams, sweet potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, peppers, tomatoes, Swedes. This is only a small sample of the available vegetable products that you can use in your salad.

Use your own favourite dressing or create a new one. Just remember that when creating each salad dressing you should ensure that it contains each of the following flavour:

Fat: Use nuts and seeds, coconut butter, raw Tahini, Extra Virgin olive oil or avocado.

Acid: This is the sour element. Use lemon juice, raw apple cider vinegar, grapefruit juice.

Sweet: Honey, date, mango, apples.

Spicy: Garlic, ginger, cayenne and hot peppers

Salty: Celtic sea salt, celery, nama shoyu, dulse, kelp, miso.

When creating your dressing begin by choosing your fat and acid source. If you prefer your dressing to be light and creamy then just add more fat such as avocado, olive oil nut butters or coconut oil.

If you prefer a sour dressing then add more acid ingredients (lemon juice, apple cider vinegar). When creating your dressings start very slowly. It is easier to add more ingredients than it is to take ingredients away.

Here are two of my favourite dressings:

Tomato Basil Dressing


Pine Nuts

Lemon juices





Tahini Dressing


Lemon juice







Creating soups is just as simple as creating your salads. Be aware of the five important flavours sweet, sour, salty, spicy and bitter. The best soups are created from salad and dressing ingredients.

To begin creating your nutritious soup choose your favourite vegetables like tomatoes, cucumbers, spinach, peppers, celery, avocado or whatever you wish. Place all your ingredients into a food mixer with a little water and blend. Now add your favour dressing, only a little at and time, tasting as you go. Once you are happy with your concoction you may add seeds, nuts, chopped onions and avocado, sea salt, dulse or anything you fancy.