Easy and Effective Ways to Make Her Want You – Be Her Lover Boy Now!

Easy and Effective Ways to Make Her Want You – Be Her Lover Boy Now!

Getting extremely attracted to someone can be a curse, especially if it’s nearing terminal case — the nice and horrible feeling collides and you think you’re absolutely powerless on what to do about it — especially if you absolutely have no idea if she’s going to like you back. But then, as the old belief goes, nothing will happen if you don’t do something about it — that’s why you shouldn’t wonder why all your sulking and whining seem not to get you anywhere. It’s time to get some action, man! Stop all that nonsense of being nervous, scared and anxious around women — it’s time to be her lover now! Below are just a few easy and effective ways to make her want you:

  • Keep her interested. There are plenty of ways to achieve this — and believe me, it’s more than just your hot gorgeous body and a fat wallet. Women are much more smitten with personality, no kidding on that, that’s why you shouldn’t wonder why they would go for a smart dude who can make them laugh instead of that drool-worthy heartthrob. It takes more than that.
  • Keep her guessing. Make your conversation a little bit interesting by making her guess on some of the topics you’re having — or better yet, keep her guessing on what you’re going to do next. Spontaneous and unpredictable guys usually catch a girl’s attention — that’s why you shouldn’t reveal everything about you right away.
  • Keep your confidence level. When things get a little out of hand, or when a girl simply isn’t interested, don’t get all stressed and pop a vein. It’s really no big deal. Stay cool and confident — no need to slow down just because of a single crappy rejection. Charge it to experience and you’d be luckier soon.
  • Keep flirting. Flirting is your number ally when it comes to getting a girl’s attention. If you know how to flirt, you’re easier to detect — when you’re in a sociable mood, you’re more attractive and women will be drawn to be around you often. So know how to chill out.
  • Build sexual tension. Keep it going! Keep the pace. Once you do, there’s a greater chance to build sexual tension and practically make her fall for you more easily. Creating sexual tension increases your chances for a make-out session and will get you two more attuned with each other’s presence. Just keep going — you’d definitely get to the best part soon.

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