Email Marketing Tips

Email Marketing Tips

I’m sure most of you reading this post would have heard of the saying “The Money’s In Your List” right? Many Internet Marketers have been stressing about the fact that you should have a mailing list, so you can sell to these people over and over and over again.

This is only partly true – Because simply by building up your mailing list is not enough to generate you profits if you are not equipped with the right email marketing skills and knowledge. You will find that no matter how many times you send emails to your subscribers, they do not act upon it.

What I’m going to do in this post is to share with you 5 essential email marketing tips that will help you build up a strong relationship with your subscribers, and increase your chances of them acting upon your offers.

1. Write In Your Own Voice

Write casually – Treat your subscribers as your friend and write to them the exact same way you would write to your friends.

The reason is because most of your subscribers are working-class people and, after a tiring day from work, they will not want to read another serious-toned email.

2. Keep It Short & Sweet (KISS)

You should keep your emails short and sweet. Keep each paragraph to at most 3 sentences and each sentence to have at most 7 – 8 words. You would also want to limit your emails to at most 3 paragraphs.

If you have a very long story to tell them, you can always give them a summary of what you are going to say in your email message, followed by a link to your website where the rest of the story could be found.

3. Have Only 1 Purpose Per Email

Many a times, I see that many email marketers have – in 1 single email, a link to a product they are selling, followed by a link to their latest blog post, etc. It’s way too messy and chances are, people will click on neither of the links.

What you should do is to have only 1 purpose in every email that you write – If you intend to tell people about a particular article which you’ve just posted onto your blog, then in your email, you should ONLY talk about that particular article, as well as a link for them to read the whole article, and nothing else.

Likewise, if you would like to promote a particular product and/or service in your email message, then you should give them a brief introduction about it, along with one single most beneficial benefit about the product and/or service, followed by a direct link to that product and/or service.

4. Text/HTML?

In my personal opinion, text emails always work better compared to HTML emails – Because some of them may be using their smartphones, or PDAs to check their emails and if your email is in HTML format, it may not be displayed the way that you want it to be on their smartphones or PDAs (and chances are they are going to delete it and your email message will never be able to get across to your subscribers).

5. Do Not Spam

People hate spammers. So, do not spam your subscribers’ mailbox with your email messages (by doing so will only get you into trouble with the legal authorities).

What I would generally advice is that you should not send your subscribers more than 1 email message in 1 single day (unless it’s really, really urgent and you need to send them a 2nd email message). Instead, what you can do is that you can send a email message to your subscribers once every 3 to 5 days (either to share a new blog post that you’ve just published, or recommend a product and/or service).

So, there you have it, I’ve just shared with you 5 email marketing tips that will help you with your email marketing campaigns. Bear these 5 tips in mind and I’m pretty sure that you’ll have very successful email marketing campaigns.