Embrace a Job of Beta Tester Now – Enjoy a Brand New Career

Embrace a Job of Beta Tester Now – Enjoy a Brand New Career

If you want to enjoy a brand new career then the job of a beta tester is perfect for you. The world has seen a sudden upsurge in these jobs of late. These jobs are packed with excitement, enjoyment, freshness and innovation. A fat pay package is the icing on the cake. If you love playing games for hours after hour then the job of testing games is tailor-made for you. One can enjoy the benefits of such jobs just by sitting at his home. Moreover such jobs are suitable to do both in part-time and full-time mode.

As per the studies conducted by some gaming magazines the gaming industry will reach $1.06 billion of revenues by the year 2012 in India which is a developing country. So it is pretty evident that the figure will increase manifold for those countries which are already developed. So, the jobs in the gaming industry will increase day by day. To enter the fascinating world of gaming one can target the beta tester jobs. They are good for the starters in the industry. But unless and until you love playing games these jobs may be not so good for you. But if you are an average gamer with an eye for details then there will not be much problem to get a job to test games. Quality rather than quantity matters in these jobs.

The gaming industry has evolved from simple bitmap pixelated scrollers to involving cinematic narratives where the players become one of the major characters of that narrative. Such developments have occurred just within the last few years. This predicts the future correctly that gaming will be the next big thing in the world in the coming years.

One need not have a technical degree to enter the world of beta testing. But you must have a desire to analyze things for minute variations and faults. This is the primary condition to get a job in the game testing niche. The employers look for those candidates which are willing to work for long hours with consistent effort to play a certain game repeatedly. How many hours you take to play a certain game is not counted in this job. Rather your concentration in the working hours is most watched upon characteristics.

The beta tester jobs are here to stay. As the gaming industry is all set to rock the world in the coming years so the prospects of these jobs are immense. If you want to make it large in the industry then such jobs are perfect launch pad for you. They will provide you with all the necessary expertise and inside experience required to excel in the field. One starting out in this field easily earns $23,000 a year without any hiccups. On the other hand one with three years of experience can pocket a lucrative salary of $40,000 a year. Moreover if anyone completes six years in the niche of game testing then he can earn more than $45,000 a year.