Emotional Affair – Keys to Surviving Your Emotional Affair

Emotional Affair – Keys to Surviving Your Emotional Affair

Are you going through an intense emotional affair? I’m sorry that you are going through such a tough stage in your relationship – emotional affairs are some of the most heartbreaking realities we can come to deal with. However, when you take the right action and learn about the underlying causes of the affair, you can recapture the love in your relationship and move passed it.

Why Do Emotional Affairs Happen? Breaking The Myths

There are a lot of myths that have come to rise with why people have affairs. Particularly with emotional affairs, there are different reasons why they occur. However, there are always a few “key” concepts that really encourage the affair to happen in the first place. Understanding this, and then trying to “correct it” with right action will help you to get over the affair and bring your relationship back to whole again.

Why Men Have Affairs

Here’s a big misconception – men have affairs because the woman is younger, prettier, or more exotic. Wrong! This is a huge misconception that has really taken a hold of modern-culture, but it’s very, very wrong. if you speak to any psychologist or relationship expert they will tell you that men “cheat” for one reason only: they are seeking admiration. Admiration is the key to a man’s heart, and they get it from their wife or girlfriend early on in the relationship… But steadily they will begin to lack it, and then end up seeking it from the “young hottie” who has been giving him tons of admiration at the office.

Why Women Have Affairs

Women are a bit different, but still the same in a way. Women have affairs for another reason: they want to be appreciated. When in a marriage or another long term relationship, they are appreciated all the time by their lover. But as time goes… The appreciation begins to get less and less.

These Are The Core Reasons – How Do You Fix It?

So how do you fix it? The real key to healing an injured relationship is by doing the above. If your husband cheated on you, first, you must come to peace with it – and then begin to shower him with sincere admiration. If your wife has cheated on you, appreciate all the little things she does. Men and women keep score in a different way, but that’s an entirely different article.

Healing After an Emotional Affair Is About Admiring, Appreciating, and Most of all: Communicating. Finding Ways to Do That Is Key.