Employee Dispensability

Employee Dispensability

Nobody is indispensable, my employer always tells me this. In spite of the 22 years that I have worked for the company, including some 20 years of being officer-in-charge and leading the actual personnel management and day-to-day operations, still my boss believes that I am not indispensable. In spite of the fact that it is I who makes orders of stocks-in-trade and keeps track of inventories, negotiates the cost of purchases of commodities and determines the selling prices of these commodities and maintains a healthy profit margin for the company, even as it is I who actually assign and supervise the salesmen and gives them instructions on what to sell, where, to whom, and for what selling prices , yet my employer still gives everybody the impression that “nobody is indispensable.”

This manipulative tactic of my boss certainly pays because all we, employees are egged on to exert best performance so as not to be “dispensed with” at our boss’ whim and caprice. Nonetheless, I honestly believe this is not called for in relation to one worker who is truly efficient and responsible enough to accomplish everything that is expected of him, or even may surpass management’s expectations. In this regard, it makes evident the boss’ insecurity over the continued loyalty of the employee, who in my case, actually knows better about the company’s business transactions than the owner does.

What makes things more pitiful is when the employer goes to the extent of even being able to allow financial losses and business reverses just so he can always impress on everybody that anybody is dispensable at his say-so. My employer actually is this insecure over me. He has already declared to me that he won’t as much care getting bankrupt if he would need to fire anybody. This does not bode well with me, hence before the time comes when my boss losses all his business sanity because of grave insecurity and personal arrogance, I have already started to look for another job, and I hope that, by the time I will find something else to earn from, I will be able to make him happy, for by then he would again prove the truthfulness of his principle – nobody is indispensable.