Entrepreneurs Develop A Workaholic Mentality!

Entrepreneurs Develop A Workaholic Mentality!

Entrepreneur Mindset Secret ~ Develop A Workaholic Mentality!

All self-made millionaires work hard, hard, hard. They are addicted to hard work.


Because they know the formula for success that’s why! They know the outcome they are seeking and they know and understand that they have to work hard to get there. They know and accept the fact that making money is a formula and you have to follow the formula.

They have their dream, their goal, their plan and the desire to work hard to achieve the success they are striving for. They know that there is no such thing as becoming a Self Made Millionaire overnight! (Even if you had a money tree in the back garden:)

They know that if they want to turn their dreams into reality ~ then it’s up to them to make it happen!

These are the people that have the desire, the dedication and the discipline to learn the skill sets and they take massive action to get the results.


We have to get real here….and all Self Made Millionaires will tell you exactly the same thing…they worked long and hard, and usually you will find that they have been quietly working away, burning the midnight oil, learning the skill sets, honing their skill sets and usually taking a few, if not many years to actually become the “Overnight Success Story” they are portrayed to be. They developed a workaholic mentality.

Self Made Millionaires are just that…Self Made Millionaires!

What a Self Made Millionaire is not:

* NOT one of the lucky few who win the Lottery

* NOT born with a silver spoon in their mouth and inherits the family fortune

* A Struggling for cash EMPLOYEE

What a Self Made Millionaire does

* Starts earlier

* Works harder

* Stays later

They develop the reputation for being amongst the hardest working people in their fields, and everybody knows it. They know and practice the 40+ formula. This formula says that you work 40 hours per week for survival. Everything over 40 hours is for success. If you only work 40 hours, and the average work week today is closer to 35 hours, all you will ever do is survive.

It’s virtually impossible to get ahead and even more impossible to be a big financial success. You’ll never be highly respected and esteemed by your colleagues. You will always be mediocre if you just work the basic 40 hour week. Now this may sound a bit on the harsh side, but you know it’s true.

If you are like 95% of families then you are probably, “too busy making a living ~ to have time to make a life”

It doesn’t have to be this way. There is a way for ordinary families to become extraordinarily wealthy, to become Self Made Millionaires. There is a way!

Think about this: every hour over 40 is an investment in your future. In fact, you can tell where you’re going to be in five years by looking at how many hours over 40 you put in every week.

The average self-made millionaire in America today works 59 hours per week and some of them work 70 and 80 hours per week. The average self-made millionaire in America works six days per week rather than five and works longer days, as well. If you want to call a self-made millionaire, phone the office before normal working hours and after normal working hours. The self-made millionaire is usually there when the staff arrives and is still there when they leave.

And here’s the key: work all the time you work. When you work, don’t waste time. When you get in early, put your head down and get started immediately. When people want to talk to you, you excuse yourself and say, “I have to get back to work.”

Don’t drop off your dry cleaning, phone your friends, socialize with your coworkers or read the newspaper. Work all the time you work. Resolve today to develop the reputation for being the hardest working person in your company. This will bring you to the attention to the people who can help you faster than almost anything else you can do.

A Self Made Millionaire ENTREPRENEUR

Now this is a different breed altogether. An Entrepreneur has a completely different mindset to that of an Employee. Even though we may all start out as employees, it is the people with an Entrepreneurial Spirit who quickly realize that “Profits” are better than “Wages”. These are the people who do all of the things a good employee does as described above in their 40 hour a week J.O.B’s (Just Over Broke)!

However, the average family is about 2 months away from bankruptcy. Think about it for a moment and be honest. If you lost your job tomorrow and had no other source of income, how long could you truly manage to make your weekly and monthly financial commitments?

This is the scary statistic that is the cause of approximately 70,000 families a week starting a “Home Based Business”. They are all trying to create a secure financial future for their family. Unfortunately statistics also show us that 95% of these people fail within their first 45 days. Why is this so? Simple, it’s usually because they have never run a business before, they haven’t taken the time to develop the skill sets necessary to achieve success and they try to go it alone, without the back up of a support team.

Ask any Self Made Millionaire in fact any type of millionaire or even a billionaire and they will all tell you the same thing. They all have a great support team around them. Just ask Oprah! They delegate a lot of their work, they outsource, they have trainers, coaches, mentors, advisers…….whew all sounds a bit complicated doesn’t it? This is where the majority of “home businesses” fail and a vast number of people have heir dreams crushed. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Now with the latest technology at our fingertips and the Internet being the largest marketplace in the world, everyone with a computer and an Internet connection has the opportunity to run a multiple six figure business from their home. This can be done alongside your normal J.O.B. until such time as you have doubled your normal monthly income…..then the day has arrived when it’s time to tell your boss… “I’m sorry, I have to let you go!”

Develop A Workaholic Mentality!

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