Entrepreneurs – How to Write a Craigslist Ad That Sells Like Hotcakes

Entrepreneurs – How to Write a Craigslist Ad That Sells Like Hotcakes

Craigslist is a great place to test products, advertise your next business venture, and make some quick cash. In just a few minutes you can develop an ad that will help your entrepreneurial project get in front of the exact people that you’re trying to target. The ads won’t cost you a dime.

A great Craigslist ad starts with a powerful headline. You must be specific and captivating at the same time. Your customers are searching for your targeted keywords, so you must list the product or business in the headline along with some attention grabbing words.

A great example of a powerful headline is “Rare, collector’s version of the Beatles’ White Album.” Instead of listing the product alone, make your item interesting. Your customer is sifting through a sea of listings and you want them to click on yours.

Include a photo, even if the thing that your advertising is a service. We are visual creatures and the more senses you can engage in your advertising, the more you’ll engage your customer.

Include a complete description of your product with details that include benefits to the customer. Don’t list individual features only. Explain the product in the hands of the customer. Make her feel how the product would fit in with her lifestyle.

Make it very easy to get a hold of you. Include a phone number or email address and follow up with all enquiries quickly. Potential customers are scouring Craigslist 24/7/365 and if you’re the one the follows up quickly, you’ll get the sale.