Evergreen Manual Lawn Mowers

Evergreen Manual Lawn Mowers

There are the different kinds of lawn mowers that are available for all gardening enthusiasts. These include the manual lawn mowers and the automatic mowers. The most prevalent mowers in use today are the automatic mowers. They are easily available and very convenient to use too. These work using a motor engine which makes their use convenient, easy and effortless. They are easy to maintain and hence are the most popular amongst all categories.

Automatic mowers usually do not have the same design as the manual mowers and especially their blades tend to differ a lot. Manual mowers are said to be the cause of origin of the cylindrical blade which is considered to be one of the most elegant designs in terms of use. This is formed out of blades which form a helix and curve over each other to form a cylindrical structure that had even then revolutionized the way the lawn mowers worked. This helix blade is fitted between the wheels of the mower and gathers momentum out of the wheels. The movement however is not aligned with that of the wheels and hence the blade can continue to rotate even if the wheels stop. This is why the extra power that is obtained by the mower is obtained due to the fast movement of the mower.

There is a minimum speed that the lawn mower should have for the blades to move fast enough to be able to slice the grass. This movement is not predefined and depends on the density of the grass to be cut. The denser the grass, the faster you have to push, the faster you try and push, the faster the blades turn and the finer the grass gets cut. However, it must be pointed out that even though the faster movement helps smoother trim, yet going too fast will cause the lawn mower blades to slip over the grass and can even cause the mower to jump on the uneven surface of the turf.