Expert Tips for Memorable Bible Land Tours

Expert Tips for Memorable Bible Land Tours

Planning any type of extended trip is never easy. In fact, most people spend weeks, months or even years planning the trip in advance just so that they can reduce the possibility of things going wrong during the trips. The whole problem can get even more complicated for people wishing to travel to Israel on bible land tours. As you might expect, Israel is a country filled with diversity. Cultural, geographical, religious diversity. All of which make planning pilgrim tours to Israel a complex affair that can at times be a bit confusing. For starters, there are at least three major religions of the world that claim Israel as a holy land and the foundation of their religions. Add to that the fact that it is one of the oldest civilizations still surviving yet the country itself is not yet even a hundred years old and you have an interesting mix of modernity and ancient civilization existing side by side.


One of the biggest challenges that you might expect to encounter when on Christian pilgrimage to Israel is that of the language barrier. Although primarily a Jewish state, most of the people who live in Israel can understand and even speak passable English, so you should not have much of a problem if you are from an English-speaking country and English happens to be your first language. However, if you also find English challenging and cannot speak any of the local languages then you might probably have to look for an interpreter to help you understand things while on the trip. Fortunately, the best tour agencies in the country, such as Coral Travels & Tours will usually have people on hand who will be able to translate the local languages for you.


Given the fact that Israel receives millions of customers from all over the world every year, you would be right to expect that currency conversion here is easier than it is in many foreign currencies. In addition to the local currency, the American dollar is one of the most commonly used currencies in the country meaning that you will generally be able to spend it at most of the local outlets, stores and restaurants. However, the change will almost always be given in local currency and that can present a challenge since it will involve reconversion of the dollars. Unless you plan to walk everywhere with a calculator in your pocket then you might want to pay fixed amounts that do not require any change when buying in US dollars from local businesses.


The transport system in the country is well developed and as good as some of the best transport systems in the world. However, it may not be of much use to you if you are not already familiar with the country as you will have to hire a guide anyway. A better way to get around the country is to hire the services of a travel agency that provides transportation to different locations in the country.