Features Unleashed in the Latest Version of CakePHP

Features Unleashed in the Latest Version of CakePHP

While the new version of CakePHP is out, developers are highly excited about its new array of features. Back in the past, PHP was one of the most used frameworks by the web developers and the situation favoured when CakePHP surfaced as the first-ever MVC framework. Since then, nearly 10 years have passed and the framework has been consistently evolving and holds a triumphant place in the market. Recently, the CakePHP 3.5.0 was unleashed which created a major uproar among the developers who are looking forward to the improvements made in this version over the earlier ones. While they will take the advantage of this latest version to the fullest to enhance customisation of the web applications, here’s the quick evaluation of the newest features of the framework.

New middleware and Scoped Middleware

The new middleware included in CakePHP 3.5 provides some added advantage to the PHP programmers. It makes applying of encrypted cookies and CSRF (Cross-site request forgery) tokens easier. Programmers will have the chance to build a specific middleware stack, suiting to the various parts of the web app. Thus, there is no need for writing URL checking code in the middleware. This is mainly because the middleware can be applied on condition to routes in some particular scopes.

Cookie objects

There are two refreshing classes of cookies, namely New Cookie and CookieCollection introduced in the latest 3.5 version of the CakePHP. This aids the PHP experts to work with cookies seamlessly in an object-oriented way.

Fallbacks in Cache Engine

Amongst the new features of CakePHP 3.5, one is the configuration of cache engines with the help of a fallback key. The PHP programmers are capable of defining a custom cache configuration where the cache engine will fall back by default if it is misconfigured or is not configured at all.

Enhanced Console Environment

The latest version of the framework will provide an improved console environment to the developers when they embark upon any project of web application. There is a console dispatcher introduced which will help them in incorporating the application class with the CLI or command-line interface environment. Further, with the help of integrated testing helpers, they can pace up the testing of console commands testing.

Console errors comes with valid suggestions

This feature is a big plus for the web developers as missing options or the subcommands now suggest alongside valid options for rectifications, instead of just being pointed out as errors.

Some added and new methods

This newest version of the CakePHP framework brings in many new methods associated with the console, database, ORM, validation, routing and so forth. Presumably, the new methods will help the programmers to work with different framework components effortlessly. Using the methods, they can meet some challenging web development aspects without requiring to write any new codes.

To add more to the advantages of this version, it’s easy upgradation process is worth mentioning. It is extremely easy to upgrade the current version to 3.5.0 for the web developers with just a composer command. Thus, without a doubt, most developers will be now leveraging the spectrum of features in the latest CakePHP version to develop first-rate and magnificent web applications for the businesses.