Figure Skating, Competitions – Who Can Compete and What to Bring to Competitions

Figure Skating, Competitions – Who Can Compete and What to Bring to Competitions

Are you wondering if your child might want to do a competition? In most areas, “fun” figure skating competitions start right from the lowest level of skating, all the way up. If your child is interested in doing a competition, your professional coach will be able to help you by giving you options. If your child does not have a private coach, you can speak to a board member within the club for help, although please keep in mind that in general, you will need to have a private coach for your child to make their solo and be with them on competition day.

Doing competitions is a great way to boost your child’s confidence and their personal development, to get them used to performing in front of large groups, show off their skills, and to learn a routine in a set pattern, which often helps push their skills even further. If you make it a fun day for your child, and don’t pressure them over winning or losing, you’ll find it a good experience overall.

As for what to bring to competitions, here is a general guideline that I tell my skaters.

Here is a quick list of what you should bring for your competition day.


Skate Guards

Skating Dress/Skating Outfit for Boys (generally one for each event)

Extra Skating Dress/Extra Outfit (optional)

Extra Tights

Extra Hair Elastics and or Scrunchies

Extra Skate Laces

Hair Brush

Hair Spray

Glitter (optional)

Warm up Sweater

Music and Back up

Make up

Bottle Water

Healthy Snacks

Running Shoes

Skipping Rope


Sewing Kit

Healthy lunch if you’re going to be there most of the day