Flirt With Women Without Being a Jerk

Flirt With Women Without Being a Jerk

Many guys think that if they want to flirt with women they have to come off like a jerk. This is a common tactic that is preached by some flirting and seduction gurus and one that can potentially get you in a lot of trouble if not kill your chances with a woman if you’re not careful.

While it may be true that many women like the “bad boys” and do wind up with jerks, the truth is that they don’t go out looking for jerks. Women aren’t really attracted to guys that are completely disrespectful of them or treat them poorly in the beginning of a relationship. It is usually later on when a guy turns out to be a jerk when a woman realizes that she is stuck with a bad boy.

Women are attracted to guys that make them feel a certain way and this should be your goal. You are trying to elicit positive emotions from the woman that you are trying to flirt with and make her equate pleasure with you. You bring her pleasure and make her feel good and she will feel attracted to you. Pretty simple, right?

So how do you do this without coming off like a complete loser at the same time? How do you make her feel good and make her body tingle every time you are near without appearing to be just a “yes-man” in her eyes there to simply feed her ego?

It can be a delicate balancing act and it is necessary to temper your complement with a bit of a disclaimer. Take this for instance. This is one that is sure to at least get you the opportunity to talk with the woman that you are trying to flirt with. Tell her that she has to be the most beautiful woman in the room, office, bar or club. After she thank you continue with your flirting and tell her that it was actually very intimidating to walk up to her and talk to her because most gorgeous women are kind of stuck up but that you felt she was worth the gamble.

As she begins to blush and laugh look around the room and point out the competition. Let her know that there are many other beautiful women around but in your mind she has a prettier face or a nicer smile or that there is just something about her that is very special. Try to avoid words like “hot” or “sexy” or any direct reference to her body. She wants to feel beautiful and avoid treating her like a piece of meat.

This tactic is very effective in almost any situation and it will give you both the opportunity and confidence to continue flirting with just about any woman you desire. Even if she is with a group of friends you can cut her away from the herd and point out that she does have some very attractive friends but that there is just something ethereal and simply spectacular about her that you can’t quite put your finger on.

Feel free to knock some of the other girls in the place too. Pointing out that another girl is very attractive but that she looks angry or unapproachable or that another woman looks like she has an attitude can prove that you are perceptive as well as that you are looking at other women… but she has caught your eye enough for you to take the gamble and approach her.

Use these methods to complement a girl and she will stick around to continue feeling the positive feelings that you are giving her. While this is only the tip of the iceberg as far as flirting with women it will get you off on the right foot with any woman without you having to act like a jerk.