Fundamental Gear You Need As a Beginning Rock Climber

Fundamental Gear You Need As a Beginning Rock Climber

Rock climbing is one of the most challenging outdoor sports since it involves strength as well as dangers. There are many forms of climbing that include going up or descending over rock formations. Levels of climbing also depend on the terrain and steepness of rocks. But whatever the activity, essential gear and techniques are required.

When it comes to the different activities in covering rock formations, these are based on preferences. Some prefer climbing up, others enjoy rappelling, while some go for bouldering.

Both climbing and rappelling require almost the same kind of essential gear for safety and efficiency. Bouldering requires no gear but it does require strength to climb over lower rock formations. Despite the lesser dangers involved, a protective mat at the bottom and a helmet are recommended.

Traditional climbing, lead climbing and top roping are all forms of climbing activities that require more or less the same kind of equipment for safety. For a beginner however, indoor climbing venues serve for best practice and familiarity with the equipment and techniques. In traditional climbs, the climber follows already placed anchors within a rock as he progresses upwards. In lead climbing, the lead climber secures the anchors for the belayer at the bottom to then follow the route while removing the anchors as he climbs further up. Top roping or rappelling is the easiest as the climber is descending from the top of the rock down, while a belayer at the base of the rock is feeding in the rope.

Regardless of the activity, all climbing should include proper footwear. Climbing shoes are designed for the sport in such a way to make it easier and safer to climb and hold on to rocks. A harness is the most important piece of equipment which will help to prevent falls and also provide a seat for occasional breaks. A rope is obviously a needed element and essential to climb up or descend rock formations. A belay device is the most important for rappelling. It serves as a break and prevents a potential free fall.

Other essentials include hexes and bolts to secure the rope to anchors in rock creases as one climbs up. Carabiners are locking devices, while quickdraws are a combination of two attached carabiners. These are also needed to secure the rope to anchors as well to the harness.

Finally, a helmet as well as protective gloves are recommended especially for first timers. Climbing is a dangerous sport yet fun if you know what you are doing. Learn the techniques to climbing first and soon you may love it.