Fundraising Ideas in Economic Downturn

Fundraising Ideas in Economic Downturn

Our current economic climate has meant a lot of belt tightening throughout our communities. Everywhere you turn people and companies are cutting back on their spending and excursions. The same is true for benefit auctions and other charitable fund raising events. However, you can still hold a successful event in spite of a faltering economy.

People often get the notion that everything is coming to a screeching halt when the economy suffers setbacks. But look around you, and you will see that business carries on, people are still out shopping, and all kinds of other activities are ongoing. There is still money available to be raised for worthy causes, if you apply some new principles to your fund raising schedule.

Some of the ways you can encourage people to open their wallets to your worthy cause are by sending out even earlier notices of your events and get people to sign on ahead of time. In addition if you have found your donation base has dwindled somewhat, you can start to reach out to additional areas of the community, who might be interested in supporting your cause.

You can also start by getting creative with how you raise the money – for example at a benefit auction, you can offer a lunch or dinner with a notable person in your community, such as a sports star, the mayor, a television personality, or other well known individual. Another way to finding new sources for donations is by approaching up and coming companies in your community. You can find these in your local publications, or by doing online searches.

So remember, even in an economic downturn, your fundraising events can still find great success if you apply some new principles to the way you approach it.