Gambling Addiction and Loneliness

Gambling Addiction and Loneliness

Having a gambling problem is a very lonely disease. Many people gamble as an escape from loneliness. He or she may think that by gambling, they could get away from the painful feelings of loneliness. This is far from the truth.

When an individual gambles, they start to create their own loneliness. The person with the gambling disorder may not realize that the gambling is contributing.. or may be the sole source of the loneliness.

The problem with compulsive gambling, especially slot machine gambling addiction is that it truly creates a tremendous amount of social isolation and shame. What happens, is that in regard to loneliness, this becomes a catch-22. The person gambles and then feels shame and isolation. The person with the gambling addiction then continues to gamble to get rid of the shameful feeling and the lonely, isolated feelings as well.

Here are some tips to avoid loneliness as it relates to this addiction:

1. Get help for your gambling problem by visiting Gamblers Anonymous or by calling a National Gambling Helpine. You will be able to get tremendous help by calling these two numbers.

2. Start taking care of your physical health by eating right, staying hydrated and exercising daily. This will also help you to feel better emotionally.

3. Start calling friends and family that you have been avoiding while gambling. Start to do this slowly and do not overwhelm yourself.

4. Go to the website and find meetups in your local area. Any interest that you may have should have a local meetup. You will love!

5. Make sure that your follow the instructions in #1 first.. and then all else will naturally follow.

6. Remember that you are not alone in your gambling addiction and that millions of others have experienced your suffering as well.

There is hope for the loneliness of gambling addiction. Your life will get better.. I promise!