Geodesic Dome Greenhouses – 7 Tips To Prevent Insect Damage

Geodesic Dome Greenhouses – 7 Tips To Prevent Insect Damage

You fell in love with geodesic dome greenhouses a long time ago. Now you’ve finally build a dome greenhouse of your very own. Your seeds are planted and you’re can’t wait for the feast to begin. And neither can the bugs in your area!

Let’s face it, insect infestation is a real problem with any greenhouse dome or otherwise. And prevention is most definitely worth its weight in gold. So let’s take a look at ways to keep the bugs OUT!

1. Only place lights where absolutely needed and keep them turned off when ever possible. Insects are attracted to lights and using more than needed can cause you trouble you can surely live without.

2. Don’t mess with lighted insect traps. Though many commercial greenhouses use them they are much more trouble than they are worth unless you know EXACTLY how to set them up properly. If you don’t keep them shaded properly they will attract more insects than they catch.

3. No weeds allowed! Do not let any weeds or grass grow inside your dome greenhouse. It acts as host to insects and diseases which can easily spread to other plants.

4. Keep an unplanted barrier around your dome that’s at least three feed wide. The wider the better but three feet is a minimum. The reason for this is so that insects won’t be tempted to find a crack to crawl through if they aren’t living or moving close to the greenhouse.

5. NEVER BUY PLATS AT A NURSERY THAT WILL GO INTO YOUR DOME GREENHOUSE! This is so vital it’s in all caps. It is almost impossible for a nursery to provide plants that are insect an disease-free. So this is definitely a case of buyer beware. If you absolutely must buy a plant that you can’t start yourself, such as an exotic orchid, be sure to isolate it inside your home for a week or two. This will allow you to monitor it for signs of disease and to remove any insects it may harbor before introducing it to your greenhouse dome.

6. Cover all fresh air inlets with screen. This will keep insects from entering when you are venting or cooling your greenhouse. If you use an evaporative cooler for temperature control in summer months be sure to keep the pads in good condition as they will also act as an insect barrier.

7. Never leave the greenhouse doors open. If you must for ventilation be sure to install screen doors.