Get Your Ex Back, Although the Breakup Was Your Fault

Get Your Ex Back, Although the Breakup Was Your Fault

Alright so you want to get your ex back, even though the breakup was all your fault? Do not throw in the towel just yet. You already admitted that it was your fault. Sometimes a sincere “I am sorry” will do the trick; other times it will take more depending on the circumstances of the breakup.

You can get your ex back because many times breakups are not always well thought out. The one thing that is certain with breakups; if both people still love and care for each other, any problem(s) in the relationship can be overcome. Women tend to end relationships more often then men; women can be fickle creatures. But, the good news is they are often open to re-establishing the relationship.

If your boyfriend or girlfriend is willing to re-establish the relationship, the task is to communicate and not allow the same thing to happen again. To get your ex back may be as simple as acknowledging to your ex that the whole mess was your fault, “IF” in fact it was. When you do so make sure that you follow through on your promise not to allow the same thing to happen again. If there are underlying problems now is the time to work on them. guys, if she was feeling unappreciated, show her how much you do appreciate her by doing something special for her. Shower her with attention and praise for who she is. Be more romantic and loving.

Ladies to get your ex back, please do not nag him. Nagging is not the way to keep him nor the way to get him back into your arms. To a man nagging conveys the message that you are not satisfied with who he is and what he has to offer. Real men do not leave a woman to find someone prettier or thinner, men leave to feel wanted, respected and admired. It is true that a woman can get just about anything she wants from her guy, if she is able to balance what is said to him with an expression of love and great admiration. Guys simple love to be admired and respected by their favorite girl.

What If your ex appears to be in no hurry to re-establish the relationship after you made a sincere apology for causing the breakup. You must then show your ex that you are the kind of person that members of the opposite sex want to be with and around. You must show your ex that you are not only a great person but a good partner who simply made a mistake. You will get your ex back by changing the things that he/she does not like about you or the relationship.

If your ex starts to date others, show no signs of jealousy. Remember you are no longer together and to act irrational will only show how desperate you are to get your ex back. There is nothing appealing about appearing lonely and desperate. It is important that you display confident and not neediness. Women find men who are in control and in charge sexy and desirable because they radiate positive energy. Men also find confident women attractive, the kind of women who respects herself and others.