Getting Into Her Head Will Get You Into Her Bed

Getting Into Her Head Will Get You Into Her Bed

They say that a way into a man’s heart is through his stomach. Conversely, the way into a woman’s heart and bed is through her head. Unlike men who are very visually stimulated animals, women on the other hand are stimulated with your words and your ability to make them feel good.

Have you ever wondered why you see the most beautiful women (9’s and 10’s) with the pudgiest, most unattractive men on the planet? I’ll bet you think it’s because they have money, or maybe you think that they are just their uncle or something. The truth is that these men have learned how to enter the mind of a woman at levels you cannot yet imagine.

I, myself, am not the most handsome man, or the richest man, or the most well dressed man in my own city let alone the world, but over the past several years, I have begun to master the art of getting in a woman’s head. Their psyche.

The only women that I’m even attracted to now are 9’s and 10’s because I have learned many things about the way these types of women think and react to situations that the average Joe hasn’t taken the time or has had the guts to explore.

Most men are what we pickup artists call, the beta male. These are men who spend all of their time, money and energy trying to please women. They constantly compliment the woman, open doors, pull out chairs, laugh at their silly jokes and do just about anything to try to impress them. These are insecure men who believe that they must cater to a woman in order for them to return any affection to them, but all they ever get in return is to be put on the ‘friends list’ of every woman they pursue. These men are what we call nice guys and we all know that nice guys finish last if they finish at all.

Question? What the best thing that you want to say to a woman that is beautiful? I’ll bet all of you betas said, ‘tell her she’s pretty’. WRONG!

The other, more rare class of men we call Alphas, will tell you to tell her that ‘You’ve got nice shoes but your feet are too big.’ Underhanded compliments work to perfection. You compliment but insult at the same time thus neutralizing the effect. Then say something like, “I can’t date a chic that can wear my Nikes.” If her reply is something like, “who says we’re dating anyways?”, you’re in there.

Think about this. A pretty girl that knows she’s pretty has lived her entire life being told just how beautiful she is. Men have tried to cater to her every whim in an attempt to woo her and make her theirs. So as a new prospective mate, you must find a way to stand out from the crowd of thousands of other men who have already tried to spoil her but to no avail, which is why she’s still single.

When she hears “you’re pretty”, she may politely say thank you but right away you’ve just thrown yourself head first into the pile of other guys who thinks she’s pretty. Big deal. Nothing else to talk about.

Now if you tell her that her feet are big, or her hair is nappy, or her dress is too short, then you’ve done something that most men are afraid to do, tell the truth, and that will ultimately attract her to you.

Good looking women are used to being stared at and admired. My advice, glance at her, then ignore her. She’ll wonder why in the hell you aren’t as mesmerized by her booty, I mean, her beauty as every other man is. This type of reverse psychology will intrigue her on many levels. She will be attracted to you if not for anything more than to learn what your deal is because you are DIFFERENT regardless of how you look (refrain from looking like a bum though).

In the world of hot chics, what they say they want is often times the opposite of what they really want. ‘I want a nice guy’. Bull!, she’ll run all over him and treat him badly or worst yet, like a ‘friend’. Nice guys lack the control and confidence that a hot chic would want in a mate.

Whether a she wants to admit it or not, she wants a real MAN, an ALPHA MALE.

A man that does little to try to please. A man that ‘she’ is constantly trying to please because she never quite knows what it is that you want. A man that ‘she’ can never seem to satisfy. Not being able to please you will keep her trying. A man that doesn’t give in to telling her what she ‘wants’ to hear but will always tell her what she ‘needs’ to hear. A man that she can follow anywhere. A man that they can trust to be honest with them. The type of man that deserves her affections. An Alpha Male. Not some schmuck that does and says everything that they think she wants them to.

Nice guys don’t get into many beds because they have yet to understand how to first get into a woman’s head.