Getting Your Ex Back – It’s Not A Hopeless Situation Even If Your Ex Is Already Dating Someone Else!

Getting Your Ex Back – It’s Not A Hopeless Situation Even If Your Ex Is Already Dating Someone Else!

Hearing recently that your ex is dating someone else has only added to the already depressed state that you’ve been in ever since the break up. You had high hopes of trying to get your ex back, but now it all seems so fruitless. Why even bother if your ex is already dating someone else, right?

First of all, you must never give up hope. As long as there is a remote chance that you can get something that you really want, then you must pull out all the stops and try whatever you can to succeed. In this case, there is hope for you to get your ex back even though your ex is dating someone else right now.

However, you don’t want to do waste a lot of time and effort on trying to get your ex back, so the first thing you need to do is find out exactly when your ex started dating this other person. If you’re not quite sure how to do this, it’s easy. Simply talk to your friends. They know all there is to know about you and your ex and will be able to fill you in on whatever you need to know.

If you hear from your friends that your ex and this new person started seeing each other during your relationship, then it is very likely that your ex was cheating on you. Why else would your ex get involve with someone else if not to cheat on you? If this is the case, then don’t bother trying to get your ex back – if he/she had an affair once, there is a good chance that it will happen again. More heartache, more tears.

However, if your friends tell you that your ex started seeing this other person directly after the break up, then it its very likely that it is only a rebound relationship. In other words, not a relationship in the true sense of the word, but more like a crutch to help your ex through these hard times.

Rebound relationships hardly ever last, so all it means is that you must just wait it out until the relationship ends naturally, and then take action and do something to get your ex back.