Give Your Character Something To Do!

Give Your Character Something To Do!

A novel character with nothing to do or no goal to pursue is not very exciting or relatable. So give that character something to do! Here are some ways to do that:

. A job or career that you are fascinated with, but never worked in before, such as a big rig truck driver or a snake charmer or a magician’

. Create a funny or unusual career for your character. Maybe your character cares for bugs as a hobby and trains kids’ bugs to perform tricks.

. Think of a job that you would not enjoy performing, such as a security guard or a grave digger or fast-food worker.

. Think of the most prevalent jobs in your town or city and choose one of them for your character.

. Choose a job that you would love to do, such as working as ab assistant to a big name movie or sports star.

. Choose a career or job that not many people are familiar with but would like to know more about and give it to your character. Turn your character into a complete novice!

. Go to your library’s reference room and peruse career books that are not circulated but are limited to use in the library.

. Explore more mundane options such as garbage man aka “sanitation engineer” or a customer support person in a given industry.

. Explore other possibilities as game show host, disk jockey, paparazzi or professional athlete or student.

. Combine two careers or jobs and build a new one for your character!

. Think of the jobs held by your family and friends. Then choose the most interesting one for your character.

. Consider the occupations of characters in published novels and perhaps choose one that is slightly similar. Your character may be an apprentice or an assistant, for example. Or perhaps even another character’s boss! And maybe your character was assigned that position because he is more talented or secretly being chosen as a subject for experimentation. You never know!

The key is matching your character’s personality to a given job or career. It might help to imagine yourself as the main character who happens to hold a similar position. Or even YOUR position. After all, you know all the ins and outs and lingo of your job. And maybe as a novel character, you’re well matched and love it. That is, until people have to be laid off or fired. What would you do if you were on the verge of being fired? Put your character in the same predicament and watch the fun!