God Expects You To Be Devoted To Prayer

God Expects You To Be Devoted To Prayer

Open your Bible to Acts 6:4 it says… But we will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word. Go ahead and highlight that scripture.

Prayer does some wonderful things in your life. You can go to God in the name of Jesus, often not only for your needs, but also for the needs of others. Prayer directs God to working in your life. You must continue to seek God’s face repeatedly, regularly, and without hesitation. A praying believer has spiritual rights as a kingdom citizen.

Prayer is how you stay connected in your affection and love for God. That was true in the days of the Old Testament and it’s true in the days of the New Testament as well. You need to know Him, seek Him, and depend on Him. That’s why God expects you to be devoted to prayer.

There is a direct connection between the Word, faith and prayer. One of the wisest thing a spiritual person can do is pray and give attention to the Word. Hallelujah! Submitting yourself to God’s will is the surest way to have a life God is pleased to use for His purposes. Lift up your hands and kneel before the All – Powerful God! Get excited and ask God to help you understand why your prayers are so important to Him.

Ask God to strengthen your prayer life and deepen your relationship with Him. You see, prayer is the key factor in effective ministry. God wants to enlarge your opportunities for service to Him. When you feel a desire to pray, it’s God who is stirring up that desire in you and inviting you to talk to Him.

God is always on the lookout for people who will take Him at His Word and ask in faith. God has new blessings and new opportunities ready for you. Today do something to increase your spiritual life. Like what? Pray! Say, ” Thank you Lord, for your personal Word which gives wisdom and direction for living”. It’s vital to take time today to connect with the Lord, Who is your life.

Look upward to your heavenly Father! Look at life from God’s written Word. The Truth is made clear! How do you tap into the power of God’s help? You do it through prayer! But prayer without faith is powerless.

God wants you to know Him personally and to discover what it means to walk with Him everyday. God wants you to know He is with you, and He wants to have communication with you through His Word and through prayer. Many people pray too little! Your life should be big about holding fellowship with God in prayer.

The continual enjoyment of God’s presence and power working in your heart. Being filled with a continual desire for God. The peace, the joy, and the glory of praying in the name of Jesus. It’s the continual and direct inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Praise the Lord! Regardless of your situation, establish yourself in the Word. Now, raise up your hands and say, “My life is about prayer and the ministry of the Word”!