Good Death

Good Death

Besides sexuality death is the most inscrutable of experiences; as it says in the Talmud-Book of Law: nothing speaks before death. The foundation (sexuality) and the demise(death) represents the two boundaries of life from the beginning conception until the last breath; within Jewish Law which devises laws for every human act there are no laws for how to be sexual or how to die-these are moments between the person and the Creator.

Death like sex should be embraced. Much of what ails the human being comes from our innate animal fear of death. The Talmud states there are sixty types of death ranging from the easiest pictured by a hair being taken out of milk and the most severe likened to thorns being removed from the fur of the lamb requiring ripping of the skin. Just as the trauma of birth ends in the relentless cry of life so too does the pangs of death relinquish life with the last breath.

The Church profited from the innate animal fear of death by inventing Hell-a place of eternal punishment. In Jewish and other ancient texts spread throughout the world is a preponderance of proof through the common acknowledgment of reincarnation that Hell is absurd. Hell, besides having a dipterous effect on the human psyche making the populous easier to control is also an economic ploy. While the church indoctrinates the ideas of Hell the medical industry uses this fear to keep people alive, at any cost.

The Talmud-Book of Law states that we are forced to live, meaning the soul does not want to leave heaven and come to the earth, and we are forced to die, meaning the body made of inanimate matter wants to keep living. These two dichotomies account for the difficulty of birth and death which is hard enough without the added dogma that makes people extend the years of their life at any cost. It is as if life has become a race of who can live the longest.

As the reality of death has been skewed, so too has the purpose of life taken on a different meaning, longevity is reason to live-simple survival. Freedom has been redefined as the pursuit of wealth; medicine has been relegated to experimentation on disease for the sake of the wealthy; the common people with their fear of death make willing subjects for health care. True health care would tell us when we have contracted a deadly disease and keep us out of pain while the process proceeds.

Death should be honored, not feared. Unquestionably the next world is much kinder than this world, but it is through our actions and deeds that determine how long we remain in the spirit world before returning back to the earth. Information about life and death is not rendered to the human being until later when as an elder he can become an example to the youth about the human metaphor in the cycle of life.

Through seeing the world in the eyes of the metaphor allows a new light to enter in. Rebbe Nachman of Breslev said about his own teachings that they would be the last light until Moshiach-he was famous for his stories and his metaphors. In the story of creation God calls each day “Good” but at the end of the Sixth Day of Creation God says Tov Moed/Very Good. The Talmud-Book of Law says the word Moed/Very” denotes the creation of Death.