Good Leaders – How to Coach Your Followers?

Good Leaders – How to Coach Your Followers?

Every human being comes with a complex assortment of talents and strengths, fears and weaknesses. Being a good leader, you are required to discover your followers’ strengths and empower them so that they can be better from time to time.

Seriously speaking, before you can empower your followers, you should first coach them. Let them know what they are doing and where they are heading.

Below are some actions you should take in leading your team members to enable them to move towards excellence.

• Explain the principles

Before you assign a new task to your subordinates, you need to clarify some important matters with them. It is important for you to highlight the principles behind the tasks and the objectives of completing the tasks. Inform them about your expectations and share with them your desired output. It is not just action alone. Don’t focus on the execution only. You should prepare everyone in your team to be both physically and psychologically fit before they start working on certain tasks.

• Help people to know their weaknesses

Please keep in mind that you can’t heal people’s weaknesses. You can only help them to identify their weak points and assist them to overcome the issues. Let the subordinates correct their mistakes themselves. They will definitely learn from failures. Being a good coach, you need to understand that different personality styles will bring someone to certain levels. Hence, you should provide guidance to your followers.

• Monitor the progress

When you get your subordinates to work on some matters, you are suggested to monitor their progress of work from time to time. When you are monitoring, you need to spend time to clarify new issues and communicate with your followers in a proper manner. Ask them to share with you their suggestions and choices. By doing so, you will be able to understand them better.

• Motivate your followers

What I mean here is not motivating your followers with money. Your main role is to inspire and drive your subordinates towards achieving the vision of your organization. The motivation is more like empowerment.

You are advised to empower your followers by giving them more authorities and responsibilities. This will enable them to manage things with more confidence as you are giving your trust to them.

Coaching is a process where the leaders need a lot of patience. In order to coach your followers effectively, you need to work out the right strategy so that you can guide them in a systematic way.