Handicrafts of Malaga

Handicrafts of Malaga

Handicrafts are like roots to the city’s local traditions and heritage. They inspire an artisan’s creative work who works closely around the artisanship handed over by his ancestors. Such expressive creativity is also a major “pull” factor for tourism in any city. It is no wonder, Malaga boasts of a grand variety of handicrafts, weaving a combination of fine artisanry and modern technology.


The tradition of working with clay and ceramics goes back a long way when glided ceramics were made famous by the Muslim rulers. Today, the infusion of modern art and creative artistry is seen in many products varying from pierced pottery, tiled murals, ceramic accessories, as well as simple planters, vases, plates, etc.


Malaga’s wooden products industry has always been appreciated for its skill and ability to manufacture high quality decorative items, furniture and cabinets. Since the industrial revolution, the art of cabinet making has seen a new light as talent is passed down to the new generation. Various objects of wood also include musical instruments and upholstery for furniture.


At the end of the 19th century, the Heredia family of Malaga encouraged the metallurgic industry in Spain paving way to a long tradition of metal works. While the agricultural areas concentrated on producing tools to aid their farm business, the city’s expertise lay in wrought iron work for houses, churches and mansions. The artistic foray into metallurgy was prominently visible in lamp making sector with the manufacturing of ornate street lamps, which were in demand by the Arab sheikhs for decorating their palaces.


The Muslim rulers of Malaga inspired an interest in decorative glass work. Today, there are many workshops in Malaga that specialize in glass engraving, sculpture and manufacturing of brightly coloured stained glass.


Textiles have always been a part of Malaga’s handicraft heritage. But recent times have seen a spurt in exclusive carpet making activities with intricate designs. Religion and festivals such as Holy Week play a major role in deciding the artistic direction of these workshops. Numerous textile workshops actively engage in producing some of the finest mantles, tunics, smocks and decorative hangings for the special events.

When you visit Malaga in the upcoming tourist season, do not forget to buy some eye catchy handicrafts from the city to adorn your home. They will definitely leave your home looking better than ever. So, check online for flights to Malaga and book early to secure a fat discount!