Have You Planned An Earthquake Kit

Have You Planned An Earthquake Kit

The West Coast of USA and Canada are the most earthquake prone regions in the country. Residents of the area should be prepared for a damaging earthquake at any time.

Los Angles and San Francisco have had their share of large quakes, but more can be expected.

Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland regions have so far escaped having any major quakes.

Emergency organizations claim residents are overdue for a large quake. They should be prepared for a large earthquake at any time.

If a major earthquake should hit you should be prepared to be on your own for at least 48 hours.

Food, medical help may not be available.

Every family should have at least one-person train in CPR and some First Aid until Emerecery Services can be supplied. Consider a family plan identifying an escape route, where to meet if routes are opened. What family members have cell phones, their numbers and who should you try to contact first.

Do you know where your shut offs are for gas, power and water? Do you know how to shut them off?

Have you prepared an earthquake kit? If an earthquake should hit, you should be prepared to be on your own for at least 48 hours.

At home your First Aid Kit should consist of:

First Aid Kit and manual

Battery powered radio

A couple of warm blankets

Warm Jackets

Extra shoes, socks

Flashlight with extra batteries

Emergency food, can opener and water

Any essential medicines

Cash and credit cards

Most people just will not have a kit ready. In this case at least have a plastic container ready to go with a couple of blankets, a few jackets, socks and shoes. Place a First Aid Manual on top with a checklist of things you have ready but not packed. Really it’s a good idea to have this container in your car always. You never know when you may be in an accident or arrive on an accident scène and be able to help someone.

During the shaking, if your outdoors stay away from buildings, walls, and power poles. Try for an open area like a park. If you’re in a high-rise, stay away from windows and outside walls. Get under a table or a desk. DO NOT use the elevators. If driving pull over to the side of the road and stop. Stay away from overpasses, power lines, and trees.

After the shaking stops, check yourself and your family for injuries. Provide help to others. Do not move seriously injured persons unless they are in immediate danger. Should you smell gas do not operate light switches. Open windows, shut off gas and power and leave the house. Be prepared for after shocks.

If needed purify water by boiling for 6 minutes. Check your BBQ for damage or leaks. You could use it for cooking. NEVER use your BBQ, camp stove indoors. Do not use your telephone unless there is a severe injury or fire.

If you have to travel please stay off posted Disaster Response Routes. Ambulances, police and fire equipment must move quickly to where the greatest need is. You should be prepared to find another route to get to where you want to go.

Listen to your radio for public service announcements. For further information on earthquake preparedness phone your local Government Emergency Coordinator.

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