Herbs to Farm to Make Gold in Cataclysm

Herbs to Farm to Make Gold in Cataclysm

Herbalism is one of three of the major gathering professions in World of Warcraft and remains a great source of income in Cataclysm. Some of the most valuable trade materials can only be gathered if you’re an herbalist, but most people don’t take their herbalism skill all the way to level 525.

Farming Whiptail

Whiptail is used in about a dozen Alchemy recipes as well as milled by players with Inscription to make ink. It’s a very valuable and rare herb only found in two zones. Its found up and down the rivers in Uldum and a few are found to the west of Baradin Hold in Tol Barad. To farm it, you should head to Uldum and fly along the outer banks of the river. The river makes the shape of a Y, follow I up along the western bank and south along the eastern banks. Make sure you cover the area to the south of the Lost City of Tol’vir.

Farming Twilight Jasmine

Twilight Jasmine, similar to Whiptail, is a rare and valuable herb. It’s commonly used to create elixirs and flasks by Alchemists. It’s only found in the fields of Twilight Highlands. To farm Twilight Jasmine, head to Twilight Highlands and fly along the banks of the rivers and ridges of the mountains. Make sure you stay inland enough to find the most Twilight Jasmine.

Farming Heartblossom

Heartblossom is not as rare as Twilight Jasmine and Whiptail. It’s actually much more common but it sells in higher quantities. It’s often bought by scribes to be milled and to make Blackfallow ink. Similar to Whiptail and Twilight Jasmine, Heartblossom is only found in one zone. To farm it, head to Deepholm and fly along the ridges looking to the flat areas for the herb.

Farming Volatile Life

Volatile Life is another valuable trade material that you will find as an herbalist. You can find it when gathering all level 80-85 herbs including the three above. To farm it, I suggest checking your realm’s auction house to see which herb is the most valuable. Collect that herb until you have the Volatile Life that you need.

You can also farm herbs in Vashj’ir and on Mt. Hyjal, the difference is you will get a variety of herbs instead of the zone specific herbs above.