Horny Goat Weed Extract – How Does it Work For Male Enhancement

Horny Goat Weed Extract – How Does it Work For Male Enhancement

There are many different types of herbs and extracts used in male enhancement pills. Some of them are just fillers, and others act as a main ingredient to help give you a natural erection. One of these herbs is called Horny Goat Weed, which is commonly used in many different types of enhancers. But does it work? We reviewed this ingredient to see if the claims made by companies that sell this herbal remedy to see what kinds of effects it has in men.

Horny goat weed, whose chemical name is known as epimedium, comes from the herbaceous flowering plants which are common to the native southeastern pacific region. It was discovered almost by accident about 500 years ago by an ancient goat herder who observed that his goats got really horny when they chewed on the plant, hence its name. Ever since this discovery, it has been used in hundred of different male enhancement pills that have been sold on the market.

Apparently, horny goat weed is supposed to act as a natural aphrodisiac, and give men longer, more sustained erections. It does this by drawing extra amounts of blood to the end of the penis, and basically enlarging it naturally. There actually has been studies conducted in lab rats that shows an increase in blood pressure to the penis when horny goat was introduced. Many pill manufacturers claim that when you add other types of extracts and herbs, it gives you an even more enhanced effect.

One of these male enhancement pills containing epimedium is called Promagnum XL. Learn more about this product and whether or not it works.