How Being Playfully Arrogant Can Get You Her Number

How Being Playfully Arrogant Can Get You Her Number

If you’re nice, you’ll finish last, or so the old saying goes. This is especially true when it comes to meeting new women – ever notice how being all nice and polite on a date almost never leads to a second date anytime soon?

There’s a reason why nice guys finish last in the dating game. Firstly, no matter what your mom taught you, women don’t like guys who follow the rules to the letter. Sure, it’s probably nice having a gentleman hold doors and pull out chairs, but let’s face it – it’s boring for them. To many women, nothing’s worse than a guy who does nothing but compliment her eyes, her lips, her dress, her hair…

Remember, if you bore a woman, you’re basically killing any possibility of her developing any interest or attraction in you, and you’re pretty much ruining your chances of ever getting her number. So what do you do?

Simple – be the opposite of boring. Women love men who are confident, funny, and playfully cocky at the same time. It’s easy to find men who are one or the other, but to find all three qualities in a guy is rare. Men who have these qualities are the ones women call “catches.”

Guys who are confident, but don’t have a sense of humor, are pretty nice to have around, but women feel they’re “missing something.” They’re not as interesting as they could otherwise have been.

Men who are funny, but not confident enough about it to be playfully arrogant, can come off as just plain goofy. At worst, they pass off as very cheap – not good.

And men who are just cocky and nothing else are jerks! No woman in her right mind would want to get with someone who talks about himself in a painfully unfunny way.

But when you’re confident enough to be both cocky and funny, you got yourself a winning combination. You can talk about yourself in a way that makes them laugh – something that’s instantly very interesting and attractive. Women immediately see that you have your act together, and would really love to have you all to themselves.

Of course, it wouldn’t be a good idea to try to take things to the next level right away. Keep her interested in you for a few minutes, then ask for her number and e-mail. Then leave. If you left on a really high note, then trust me – she’ll be the one getting in touch with you first.