How to Abjure Smoking

How to Abjure Smoking

It has been written on all cigarette packets that “Cigarette Smoking is Injurious to Health”. Once you get addicted to cigarette, it is very difficult to quit smoking. There are a large number of ways to help those people, who are set to quit smoking. Now a day’s herbal products are also available to stop smoking effectively. These herbal products are harmless and highly effective. Premature heart diseases and death is the major after effects of smoking. It also results in ailments like lung diseases and cancer.

Certain techniques can be undertaken to abjure smoking. Take a deep breathe whenever you feel to smoke. Replicate this process three times. Possibly this may be the simplest and easiest technique that you can follow to abjure smoking. Try inhalation and exhalation process repeatedly and stiffen your jaws so that the air is exhaled out slowly. Just practice this variation of yoga and experience the relaxation that you get out of this exercise. This will help a lot in getting away the stress.

Water has to be taken in large quantity, this will wash out the nicotine and other injurious substance in your body. The urge to smoke will only last for a few minutes and it will disappear gradually.

Try your best to stay away from sugar, coffee and other alcoholic substances, as these substances will tend to inspire the wish to smoke. While trying to stop smoking avoid consuming fatty food, because the lack of nicotine will slow down the metabolism of your body leading to accumulation of fat.

Smoking is harmful and dangerous, which need instant attention. After quitting this habit you will feel better and live longer. The probability of heart attack and cancer will be lowered after quitting this habit. Stop smoking naturally and live healthy.