How to Attract a Taurus Woman – 5 Tips That Make it Easy!

How to Attract a Taurus Woman – 5 Tips That Make it Easy!

So you want to attract a Taurus woman? It is easy to see why. Taurus woman are tough yet sensitive, but be aware that they can be very hard-headed. If you are trying to attract a woman based on her astrological sign, I want you to make sure that you have the skills that I think can make attracting any woman easier. These tips should help you find the Taurus woman of your dreams!

1. Be Selective

Don’t just settle for the first Taurus girl that you end up talking to. You need to know what kind of woman you’re after. If you know what you are looking for from a woman it will give you built in confidence. It is always a good idea to be picky when you’re picking up girls.

2. Be The Prize

Make sure that you’re the one that is being pursued… and this will be tough with a Taurus. You need to place enough value on yourself that you’re the prize. Women want a man that is the prize. They don’t want just any guy. It is okay in this situation to be the alpha male.

3. Dress For Success

You don’t need to wear a suit when you’re heading out. You do want to try to dress a little bit better than your buddies when you’re heading out. Women notice the little things. I’ve asked women with the first things are that they notice when they check a guy out and this is what they tell me: wristwatch, what kind of shoes you wear, and are your fingernails groomed. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to look good, so keep that in mind.

4. Be Flirty And Not Flirty

This tip will drive women crazy, but they love it. Pay attention to her for awhile as you flirt with her, and then ignore her for a bit. It is built into women’s nature that they want what they can’t have. This dynamic has a great effect on her psychology and it will keep her on her toes, which is just what she wants. Try switching it up between “hot” and “cold” to keep the entire game of flirting fun.

5. Stay Interesting

Taurus women are after a guy that is interesting to talk to. You know they all read the celebrity gossip magazines and you should too. As silly as it sounds having something fun like this to talk to them about is important. Keep the conversation lighthearted and avoid politics. Listen to what she is saying, and participate in her reality.