How To Attract Great Guys – Dating Made Easy

How To Attract Great Guys – Dating Made Easy

Have you ever wondered how to attract great guys to date? The source of all attraction is your energy. There is an immediate way to give yourself energy that will change your entire outlook on life. It’s called: de-cluttering.

Attracting great guys to date means you are going to need to eliminate energy drainers. Energy drainers come in two sizes: small and large.


To attract great guys to date, you have to know your small energy drainers that leave you tired at the end of the day. Small drainers are the little things you barely notice. However, a lot of them can cause sizable energy loss. The little drainers in your life are the clutter of a messy desk, unorganized files, or scrambled closets. They can be the littered garage, broken lock, untrimmed hedges, or marketing brochure that needs finished. When you look at these things, you think, “I gotta do something about that,” but you never quite get to it. Small drainers are not traumas, but if enough of them accumulate, they can deplete you.


Attracting and dating great guys means you can’t leave chronic sufferings in your life untended. They are a tremendous drain. When you have these huge drainers, you are conscious of them, but you may feel you have no control.

These big energy drainers can be the long hours you put in at work because you need more money or you may lose your job. They can be the guilt you feel because you cannot spend enough time with your family. Big drainers can be people complaining constantly about what you are not doing for them. Or your emotional strength can be sapped by aging parents or your teenagers who are acting out.

If you want to attract and date great guys, what can you do?

·Get a plan to seal the leaks.

Attraction energy comes from getting rid of clutter. Clutter in your life is like the air leaking out of your balloon. Prevent your personal energy loss by cleaning out closets and drawers. Handling the leaks will give you a sense of control over your life, which brings hope and optimism.

· Neutralize the drains you can’t eliminate.

To attract a great guy, you have to handle the big energy drainers in your life, or you will be too exhausted to date.You will inevitably have some big drainers that wear you out. Find a compromise, talk with others about what you can do right now, and get the emotional charge off of the situation. Solve a problem one small piece at a time.

· Shift how you think about your problems.

To attract a great guy, get a great attitude. Sometimes you have to reframe how you are thinking about your problems. First, explore all the professional help you can, to deal with a big drainer. Then, shift your thinking. A rowdy teenager may be acting out his/her creativity, or leadership qualities, or a spirited approach to life. An aging parent may be demanding, but other people helping you take care of your parent can share the hard moments. If you can’t change the situation, you can change HOW you react to it.

Getting organized is more than becoming neat and tidy. It is the sense of personal freedom and balance that comes from a lack of clutter. By eliminating energy drainers, you are more present for who and what you want in life. This is how you attract great guys and have great dates!