How to Become a Millionaire During Your National Youth Service (NYSC) Year: Employment.

How to Become a Millionaire During Your National Youth Service (NYSC) Year: Employment.

Lucrative Employment

You can be posted to serve in an organization that has lucrative remuneration scheme for corps members. There are so many organizations that pay very high allowance to corpers. If you are opportune to serve in such firms, then you will definitely reach the “million mark”. Most of these organizations pay high allowances and other incentives. If you add up your monthly federal allowance with your monthly earnings minus your expenses for the month, you will become a millionaire in one year. This is attainable if you really know what you want and not what you need. You must have financial intelligence to achieve your objective using this means.

A corper once told me that his firm paid him based on his performance, that is; the higher his output the richer he becomes.

These lucrative employment opportunities are not restricted to a particular sector of the economy. You can find high-paying organization both in the public and private sector. Moreover, they are evident in the oil and gas, manufacturing, health, banking, insurance, construction, entertainment, agricultural, transport and government sectors of the economy. Almost all the economic sectors have available resources to make you a millionaire before the end of your service year.

Most corps members believe that the private sector is more lucrative than its public counterpart. It is untrue that only sectors like the banking, construction, oil and gas and other multi-nationals pay rewarding allowance. I am glad to inform you that there are a lot of money-making avenues in government ministries and agencies. A lab scientist corper who served in a general hospital told me how she made hundreds of thousands legally.

My close corper friend serving in a ministry comes home every week with a huge sum of money. He works in the commissioner’s office, so every week the commissioner gives the entire corpers in his ministry weekly bonus. Have you forgotten that Nigeria has the richest public servants in the world? Testimonies of the profitability of the public sector are too numerous; time and space will not permit me to mention them all. So never neglect a posting to any public company.

It is also important to state that great opportunities exist in the private sector. There are some firms that pay high allowances. During one of my researches, I interviewed a civil engineer corper that served in a privately own construction firm. He was even begging that the service year should be extended. He told me that his boss was so nice to him. He told me categorically that he made millions during the NYSC scheme.

My message is clear: don’t underrate any organization you are posted to serve in. That place you think is the poorest might be a goldmine in disguise. No two is the same. Corper “A” can be favored in a firm where corper “B” is struggling to survive. So never use another corpers experience as a benchmark to seek reposting. Your boss might just like you, and if you are loved, the firm’s secret treasures will be revealed to you.

Almost every corper believe that serving in a Local Government Secretariat is very humiliating. Contrarily, the local government secretariat corpers were the richest in the entire local government where I served. The local government chairman was a very nice man. He gave the corpers the privileges enjoyed by statutory local government workers.

You will never know where the gold is located until you dig. You might find the gold in the dirtiest area of a place. You will never know the benefits of an organization until you work there. You will never know until you try.

Even if there are no means of making money, you can invent one. Open your mind and you will see opportunities. The lab scientist corper I earlier talked about created the opportunity herself. She observed that the hospital lacked some medical consumables which patients have to drive several kilometers to buy. She decided to buy those consumables in large quantities. She was selling them at a very profitable rate, and patronage was high. She invented that opportunity. Hundreds of corpers had served there before her and they couldn’t see the opportunity. So open your eye, don’t just look but try to see.

Regrettably, most corpers lobby to influence their posting. They pay in cash or kind so that they can be posted to an organization they think is more lucrative. Most of them go to these choice places and discover that they are hell in disguise; it turned out to be the opposite of what they taught. Some corpers were disappointed because irrespective of their unholy act, they were never posted to their choice organization. You have to be very careful the Nigerian environment is characterized by corrupt and fraudulent acts, and the NYSC is not an exception.

Majority of the NYSC staff are credible and honest but they also have “bad eggs”. You might also be reported to the relevant authority for disciplinary measures for trying to bribe an NYSC official. In most cases, the NYSC officials who promise to influence posting in the orientation camp don’t have such powers. They just trick corps members and abandon them.

During your posting day, you will see and hear complains. On that day, I saw most corpers crying because somebody had made an empty promise to them. They were posted to places they never wanted irrespective of their financial and non-financial inducements.

Posting depends on so many factors. It is not always possible to influence your posting. Firstly, it depends on the number of corps members required by the organization. Secondly, your profession also affects it, and your sex is another factor. If a firm needs twenty engineers and three administrators only, your lobbying cannot make them increase the quota. So if you are not an engineer or administrator, then your service is not needed. The NYSC will only give them corpers based on their request.

Furthermore, there are some states that all corps members are mandated to teach in schools, let nobody deceive you, nobody can change it. You are bound to be in the class room if that is the state law. Your lobbying can never take you to a place where your service is not needed.

I will say it again that in every organization, there are opportunities to make good money. It takes your ability to identify opportunities in your organization. My humble advice is; participate actively in all the activities in the orientation camp and pray to God for His favour.

Get useful information about the firm you intend to work in. Know everything about the organizations you intend to work with. Visit their web sites so that you can be acquainted with their recruitment process. You can even apply for vacant job positions. They might call you after the service year.