How to Become an Alpha Male Using the Law of Attraction

How to Become an Alpha Male Using the Law of Attraction

If you’ve studied seduction or self-improvement before, there’s a good chance that you’ve run across the phrase “Law of Attraction.” According to the theory of the Law of Attraction, made popular by Rhonda Byrne in a film called The Secret and a book of the same name, thoughts – both conscious and unconscious – can affect things outside the brain. In simpler terms: you will become what you think you are.

Struggling with figuring out how to become an alpha male? Here’s how the Law of Attraction can help you…

The Law of Attraction works a bit like the Hindu idea of Karma. If you believe in Karma, you believe that doing good things for other people will lead to good things in your own life, and doing bad things to others will cause bad things to happen to you. Similarly, the Law of Attraction tells you that if you obsess over the bad things that might happen to you, they probably will happen. But if you focus on positive things – wealth, strong friendships, healthy romantic relationships – you will acquire those things instead.

The Law of Attraction, as explained in The Secret, is divided into three steps: ask, believe, and receive:

Ask: Have a clear idea of your goals and motivations. Visualize your future success. Ask yourself the universe to grant your wish.

Believe: Feel and act as though you know for a fact that your objective is on its way, even if you have to trick yourself into doing so. Focus everything you say, think, and do on the things you want to attract.

Receive: Be prepared to receive everything positive that comes your way!

Using the Law of Attraction to your advantage is a great first step on the journey towards learning how to become an alpha male. Envision your future alpha status, how you’re going to achieve it, and the ways in which your life will improve once you’ve attained it. If you are confident that you will succeed, and then convert that inner resolve into concrete action, you will thrive.