How to Choose a Best Digital Camera

How to Choose a Best Digital Camera

It is rather a perplexing job for an amateur photographer to locate a suitable digital camera. Markets are flooded with various brands and models of the product but for a beginner it will be difficult to understand the significance of many a jargon associated with digital camera. Advertisements and product reviews appearing in the media can offer helpful tips in this connection. Getting acquainted with a digital camera is a gradual process. It is better to begin with a cheap camera which is in an automatic mode. For an aspiring photographer it will be appropriate to seek guidance or advice from a professional or an experienced dealer before venturing into the hobby or vocation.

At the outset the shopper should make sure about the size of the camera. Neither the tiny Canon lXUS 20 IS nor the bulky Kodak Z950 is suitable for the beginner, even though the companies target the amateurs when introducing these products. A medium sized compact digital camera will be the ideal choice for them. Both the above well known manufacturers as well as others like Nikon, Panasonic, Casio, Samsung and Sony have many models which will suit the amateur photographers. A good dealer or a professional will be able to point out the right product for the shopper in conformity with the aptitude of the person concerned.

The number of mega pixels is an important factor. It is relevant when it comes to the size of the printouts required. If the photographer intents to enlarge the prints and post them on websites, it is advisable to chose a camera with 5MP or more. Digital cameras with resolution up to 12 mega pixels or more are now available in the markets, but they are expensive. It is to be pointed out that the cost of it depends on the number of mega pixels it offers. The beginners who want to shoot only portrait like snap shots can go for cheaper cameras with 2 mega pixels.

Zoom is another term which is confusing when it comes to digital cameras. There are two types of zooms namely optical zoom and digital zoom. Some of the camera advertisements mention about digital zoom only. But it is the optical zoom that is more relevant to obtain better results. Optical zoom physically move the lenses towards the object. Digital zoom is for fine tuning while focusing. The shoppers should understand the difference between the two types of zooms and their significance. A digital camera with at least 3x optical zoom is desirable for the beginner.

It is important to get acquainted with the controls of the camera. Even though automatic ones are easier to operate, experts choose semi automatic modes which give them ample opportunities to manipulate the controls to obtain superb outputs. Amateurs should learn the skills gradually. Ability to control exposure settings is an absolute necessity to gain expertise in photography. By manipulating shutter speed and aperture the photographer can successfully capture moving objects, which is rather a difficult task for amateurs.

Battery life is another important factor to be considered while buying digital cameras. Dedicated battery packs or A+ batteries can be chosen. The cost of this camera depends on the features incorporated in them. Auto focus features can contribute towards stabilization to absorb the jerks or shocks that may occur during shooting. As mentioned earlier, there are wide choices for the shoppers but they should exercise caution while choosing this expensive product.