How to Collect Boxing Memorabilia

How to Collect Boxing Memorabilia

As with any collection of memorabilia it is useful to know your stuff. If you are looking to build up a collection of boxing memorabilia it is important to know what's what when it comes to the world of boxing. As boxing is an ancient sport, with some of the modern rules dating back to the 1800's there is a lot of history to be aware of. If you have a genuine passion for the sport then the chances are that you will already have a certain level of knowledge but it doesn't help to improve on this. Boxing is one of the most popular sports around the world; therefore there is a wealth of memorabilia available for you to make a collection from.

If you want to form a collection that represents boxing's rich history then you should look to seek out some of the early trading cards that depicted some of the true greats of the sports. Legends such as Frank Bruno, Mike Tyson, George Foreman and Muhammad Ali to name but a few. You can also choose to collect memorabilia from more modern day athletes but these pieces generally won't be as valuable as the older stuff.

Do your research. Educate yourself in the different decades in boxing history as this will help you to be able to know what to include in your collection. You should also do some research into boxing memorabilia in general so that you will be able to spot a good bargain or a valuable piece. This will also ensure that you won't get ripped off with extortionate prices. From your research you will then be able to determine what is deemed collectible for a particular period in boxing. You don't just have to focus on the athletes either but you can also collect memorabilia about the National Boxing Association which formed in the early 1920's. You could also focus on the history that affected the sport as a whole; it is entirely up to you and what interests you the most.

If you are starting out with a collection then you should start with some small items. You can purchase action photos and trading cards quite easily on the collecting market. You can also branch out by collecting pieces of eclectic boxing memorabilia. You can find more abstract items online, at sports conventions and antique shops.

Once you have built up quite a collection you should try to divide it up into sections. You can divide your items by weight class, origin of boxer or win by knockout, whatever best suits your collection. You may also want to think about how to display your pieces in the best way possible. You may need to make some space on a shelf or on top of a cabinet or you could invest in a specially designed glass cabinet to show off the full potential of your collection.