How to Come to Italy

How to Come to Italy

Italy gets a steady stream of tourists thanks to all of the many attractions in this boot-shaped peninsula. There are even mini countries inside of Italian territory San Marino and Vatican City. Plus, the country has many historic monuments and art galleries that draw people from all over the world to come and see the spectacular sights.

If you are coming to Italy from the U.S., you have a number of options for your airline carrier. All of these carriers offer direct flights from the U.S. to Italy: Delta, Alitalia, American Airlines, Air France, Iberia, and Swiss International Airlines. If you don’t want to fly one of these carriers, you can always fly into another large city in Europe (like London, Paris, or Frankfurt) and hop on an inexpensive flight from there to Italy.

There are plenty of these shorter flights around. The budget airline phenomenon has made traveling between major European cities quite affordable. There are so many budget carriers now that the competition means better rates for the consumer.

If you fly one of the budget airlines from the UK or elsewhere in Europe to Italy, you’ll be able to get there quite affordably. These are generally flights into well-known and popular cities also.

You can always get a flight into Rome, Milan or Venice. You may find, however, that cheaper flights will land you in less popular cities. Why not give these a try? Often they are lovely in their own right and you should explore them for a weekend.

If you are not European and are traveling in Europe, there’s a new proposal to make dozens of flights available for $99 per seat. Of course these are no frills, but you can expect the flight to be safe and comfortable. Again, this is possible because of low-cost carriers opening in the past few years.

Italy’s national airline, Alitalia, has 37 aircraft and links Italy with around 60 countries. More than 22 million passengers fly safely on this airline yearly. Alitalia flies into 20 locations in Italy alone and 200 around the world.

No tourist should find it impossible to explore Italy. There are plenty of state-run and private airlines that make it affordable to see the amazing beauty of this country.