How to Dominate Women – Using 3 Tactics of the Dominator Seducer

How to Dominate Women – Using 3 Tactics of the Dominator Seducer

Showing characteristics of dominating the opposite sex can instantly catch a girl’s attention. Keep reading to discover which characteristics you would need to completely dominate a girl’s mind and make your advances irresistible in her eyes.

How to Become a Female Dominator – 3 Underhanded Tactics

Tactic 1: Seduction at First Sight. The very first eye lock that you share with girls would be absolutely vital. If you catch girls ogling you, that would be a sign that they are curious about what you have to offer. This curiosity can be deepened and changed into attraction simply by gazing at a girl intensely and giving her charming smiles from afar.

The secret would be to act as if you deserve every girl’s attention by being bold. Wave or wink at her from time to time to make her blush and anticipate your approach.

Tactic 2: Control Freak. For whatever reason, there are girls out there who feel compelled to talk about past relationships with guys they just met. Several guys feel powerless whenever this occurs; however, you can control these interactions so that they benefit you and don’t turn you into another guy pal.

You simply have to let her know that talking about the past does not help anyone. Take things even further by frankly telling her that talking about her exes doesn’t interest you. You will then come across as a no-nonsense guy and her attraction for you will increase.

(Ultra Underhanded) Tactic 3: Get Her To Surrender To You. The key to dominating a woman often lies in controlling her emotions. A woman is most vulnerable when you are able to control emotions – when you are able to do this, then you will be able to dominate her and surrender to you.

One way to make a woman emotionally vulnerable is to use “push pull” tactics. First, make her feel happy by doing things that pleases her. Then, unpredictably STOP doing all those nice things. This will make her wonder about your real intentions, and at the same time get her intrigued by you. Remember that as long as your woman is interested in you, you will be able to dominate her completely.