How to Fix Your PS3 Red Light of Death

How to Fix Your PS3 Red Light of Death

The PS3 red light of death is one of the most annoying problems with the PS3 and unfortunately there is not a lot you can do to prevent this. It is caused by your PlayStation overheating. If you are looking for easy, cheap solution to this problem then you have come to the right place.

Firstly before you do anything I would try these 3 steps to make sure you can’t fix the problem instantly (although if you are having trouble over and over again with this then I would recommend getting the console fixed).

1. Restart your console

2. Unplug the power lead and cables then plug them back in to see if this resolves the problem.

3. Take out the hard drive and then put it back in.

If none of these steps have got your console working then I’m afraid it’s probably bad news and you need to fix your PlayStation. Don’t panic, You might be thinking to yourself now that its going to cost you a fortune to fix and your going to be waiting ages to be back playing on your favorite games.

There are 3 ways you could go about fixing your red light of death

1. Send it to Sony which will cost you hundreds of pounds and you will have to wait for possibly 6 weeks to be back playing.

2. Take it to a repair shop which could still cost you a lot of money and could still take 2-3 weeks to be repaired.

3. Fix it yourself with a simple step by step guide.

For me it’s a pretty simple choice, save yourself money and time and fix it yourself. I can hear you saying now ‘well I know nothing about fixing a games console’ well there is no need to worry.

Rob Sheffield is a PS3 repairman and author of the PS3 light fix, A simple, easy to follow step by step guide. It has helpful videos to help you along the way. It’s for complete beginners who know nothing about this sort of thing. Its is simple as following the steps in the guide.

1. Fix your PS3 forever

2. A detailed E-book with images to help you

3. Save yourself a lot of money

4. Have your PS3 back up and running in less than an hour

5. 24/7 online support

6. It’s safe, quick and easy

I hope this article has helped you and I’m sure with the PS3 red light of death guide can help you get back gaming and doing what you enjoy most.