How to Get a Guy’s Number – Some Really Intriguing and Cool Ways to Get a Guy’s Number

How to Get a Guy’s Number – Some Really Intriguing and Cool Ways to Get a Guy’s Number

When you meet a guy and you feel inclined to know him better then obviously the one meeting alone is not sufficient. You will not be able to gather all that you wish to know of him of an evening. You will need to meet him again and again. How do you do this without his number or without giving him yours? Here are some really intriguing and cool ways to get his number.

The best way is to ask

True that asking a guy directly for his number is the easiest and best way to get his number. But this is provided you have become quite friendly of an evening itself or there is a purpose behind asking him for his number.

Create a genuine reason for asking

Nothing could be more genuine than finding a purpose or reason for which it would be necessary to ask his number or give yours to him. So look for common interests and activities which will enable you to ask him for his number.

Give him your number

This is another cool way to handle the exchange of numbers. Give him yours so that he will need to call you regarding certain information which you have asked him for. This will also indicate to you that he is keen to contact you and does not overlook calling you.

Tell him you’d like to invite him

You could always ask him for his number telling him that you’d like to invite him over for a party that you’ll be holding in the next week. Or you could ask him if he’ll be your partner for a party you have been invited to. This will seem a perfectly cool way.

Identify common interests

This is an easy way to ask for his number. Find out what his interests and hobbies are and then compare with yours and find a commonality which you can use to ask for his number and contact him later. You are bound to find common interests.

Ask his friends

You could very easily ask his friends for his number because you forgot to ask him and need to pass him some important information urgently. This is one really intriguing way to ask for his number through his friends.

Information sites

A lot of sites today call for telephone numbers and other information. Perhaps you could get his number through one such site. This might pose a little problem but it’s not entirely difficult to get his number.