How to Get Slim With Salad?

How to Get Slim With Salad?

The vitamin C that fresh vegetables contain is easily destroyed in cooking, so eat raw vegetables will be the best way for people to receive the most nutritious substance. Most vegetables contain anti-virus components which are good for health. And the effect can be achieved only under the premise that you eat vegetables raw.

Choosing fresh vegetables, and if possible use organic food. Immerse them in water for 10 minutes to get rid of harmful substance before eating. Use different methods to deal with different vegetables. For example, celery and cucumbers can be made into juice. Cabbage, beet and broccoli produce beneficial organized enzymes after being sliced, so you can eat them after a while.

When preparing a salad, you had better not cut the vegetables too small to prevent them from absorbing much mayonnaise. You can pour some lemon juice or white wine into the salad to stop vegetables from changing colors.

Having a vegetable salad before eating main course will help you reduce 10 percent of the calories you take in each meal. As summer is coming now, everyone wants to be in good shape. Then eating salad before each meal will not only make you slim but also enable you to receive enough vitamin and dietary fiber.

Here I want to introduce a fruit salad which will help you to lose weight. It is easy to make, and the materials are 4 strawberries, 1 kiwi, 1 tomato and a cup of yogurt. Cut them into proper size, and then spray the yogurt on it. Using yogurt to replace the mayonnaise is a good way to stop taking in too much sugar and fat.