How to Give a Guy Good Fellatio That Will Keep Him Wanting More!

How to Give a Guy Good Fellatio That Will Keep Him Wanting More!

Fellatio may well be the thing that makes or breaks a relationship. Men are oral sex aficionados. Don’t believe me? Ask your guy friends how long they stayed with a girl who was appallingly bad at fellatio. A man kept waiting for his girl to gain fellatio acumen may find the interest drained right out of him. As intimidating as the task seems, you’d be shocked at how simple it is to gain skills in this department.

Maybe you don’t care about making your current guy your steady date. But know this: as much as we girls like to dish, men disclose far more than we ever dreamed-in far greater detail. And a bad head job seems to get them talking quicker than anything else. I doubt you want to risk your status with future fellas by being the girl who gave the horrific hummer.

Want to rule the art of fellatio? You can get there in three easy pieces.

1. Show enthusiasm. No man wants a broad who doesn’t really like a penis in her mouth or to have his penis in her mouth. It’s just that simple. It is the taste that’s getting to you? Always shower first. Still not digging the flavor? Mask the taste by playing a sexy game of cover of the penis in something yummy.

2. Gotta be the whole enchilada. A lot of women simply focus on the head of the member, but that’s not going to get the job done the way he really wants it. Get the entire penis into your mouth–or as much as you can anyway.

3. Put some spit into it. There’s just no nice way to say this, girls. If there’s not enough spit, the head’s not only not good, it hurts. Without the lubrication, your cheeks tug at the foreskin of his penis and that’s pretty painful.

Lots of women simply don’t do this and as a result gain the reputation as “the girl who can’t give head.” Luckily, that’ll never be you now that you know how simple it really is to give breathtaking fellatio.