How to Give Your Wife Orgasm? (Better Orgasm Techniques) – Enjoy Voluptuous Sex

How to Give Your Wife Orgasm? (Better Orgasm Techniques) – Enjoy Voluptuous Sex

We are biologically designed to feel intimacy, lust, attraction and sexual anticipation. In early stages of relationship, we feel the magic of all these things and enjoy voluptuous sex with our wives. We give our wives orgasms and become desirable men.

I recently read that women decide to end the relationship only because of lack of attraction, lust and sex. Actually, it is quite right because most of the men only focus on providing orgasms instead of creating sexual attraction and lust. They keep their attention on the genital areas of their wives and turn themselves into vibrators. That’s why; they fail in keeping the sexual attraction and lust alive in their relationships.

Sexual Masculinity of warriors:

If you want to give your wife better orgasm then you should learn something from the warriors of history. They were rebel and extremely masculine. They made women wet with their extreme attraction and kept the sexual intimacy alive. Women not only worshiped their sexual masculinity but also followed them entire life.

So, you must create sexual attraction and intimacy in your relationship for giving better orgasms to your wife. It is entirely possible to create these things in your long-term relationship again. Better orgasms can never be achieved without sexual attraction and sexual intimacy.


Most of the time, a woman leaves a man only because of lack of sexual attraction. In fact, she will never enjoy voluptuous sex if there is no sexual attraction. In long-term relationship, a wife often feels lack of attraction and ignores the pleasure of sex with her husband.

You must train yourself for creating sexual attraction. It is only about you because your wife expects from you a lot. She expects you to be the desirable man and make other women yearn for you. She will be the happiest woman on the planet when you will project yourself as a desirable man. That’s why; superstars always make women drool over them.

If you want to create sexual attraction then you have to increase your status. A lover with high status is always greater than a lover with low status. You will also love to have blow jobs from a queen instead of a nerd girl. Similarly, your wife wants to see you on the high status. She desires to be loved and ravished by a high status man. When you turn yourself into a high status man, you not only create sexual attraction but also give your wife better orgasm during love making sessions.

Now, how to be a man with high status? There are many things which you need to dominate. For example, use dominant body language, attaché case and suit. These things immediately increase your status in front of women. Maintain a strong posture and never fidget. You have to be the best dressed man in the room with strong posture. That’s what makes you irresistible and a man with high status. When you do these things, you automatically create sexual attraction and make your wife/woman follow you.


According to experts, rebels are the best intimacy creators. They intensify the sexual intimacy in their relationship and keep their wives on toes. Superstars, wrestlers and vampires are always desirable to women because they mostly present themselves like a rebel. They break the boundaries and keep the sexual intimacy alive in their presence.

A rebel man always lets his woman shine in front of the world. He never underestimates the sexuality of his wife. He makes his wife proud of her sexuality. When his wife feels proud of her sexuality, she tries her best to keep her man under her sexual charm. So, let your wife enjoy the freedom of her sexuality under your authority. This will not only turn your wife into a sexual lady but also increase the sexual intimacy in your relationship.

You should force her to wear new lingerie, colorful dresses, high heels, hats and bikinis. In addition, keep her fitness in check and tell her to join fitness club. These things not only make her feel sexual but also intensify lust and intimacy in the relationship. As I said before, you can never give your wife better orgasm without sexual intimacy. When you will give her freedom, she will stay under your authority and try her best to keep you happy as much as she can.


According to experts, you can make your woman worship you with only one great voluptuous sex session. You only need to provide better orgasms while arousing all of her senses. In order to give your wife better orgasms, it is essential to activate all the senses. You can ignite the sexual passion in your wife by activating all of her senses.

There are many techniques that can activate all of her senses. For example, Use the power of your breath and send sexual sensations inside her body. Your slow breathing near her erotic spots arouses her instantly. Take slow breaths near her ears because her ears are highly sensitive. When you breathe near her ear, she feels sexual anticipation. In addition, you can also delay your ejaculation by breathing deeply and slowly. Your slow and deep breaths will make you last longer and give your wife better orgasms.