How to Have Alpha Male Body Language Everyday

How to Have Alpha Male Body Language Everyday

So, how important do you think body language is when it comes to dating? Very important! Body language almost never lies. It’s so much easier for people to lie with their mouth and get away with it, then it is to lie with our body. Your body language can tell a girl if you’re confident, how you value yourself as a person, how nervous or uncomfortable you may be in a situation, and what your personality may be like.

Think about alpha characters in some of your favorite movies. Brad Pitt, Denzel Washington, George Clooney, and Robert Downey Jr to name a few. Guess what they all have in common? That’s right, they all have alpha male body language in almost every scene that you see them in. Women love this about them! Would you be interested in having alpha male body language for yourself? Keep on reading!

The Details:

Having alpha male body language really all comes down to making it known that you have authority and that you’re an important person in a social setting. It means taking pride in making sure that your physical body is really present in the moment and that you’re not just “another” person.

Here is a quick blueprint on how you can have alpha male body language almost everywhere you go:

Standing: When standing, alpha men stand straight at all times. Their legs are shoulder with apart. Their arms rest at their side. Alpha men always keep their head up. One suggestion I have if you’re tempted to put your hands in your pockets is to put them in your back pockets only. When speaking, I recommend using your hands as a form of expression so what you say makes more of a profound effect.

Eye Contact: Alpha guys make eye contact every time. I like to keep a warm and welcoming eye contact when I look at people in general. Try not to just stare and blink every now and then or you will freak girls out.

Walking: An alpha man knows when to walk with ease and when to walk with a purpose. He always looks straight ahead and does not stare at the ground. Avoid taking small steps when walking. Take reasonably long steps. Allow your heels to touch the ground first each time you take a step.

Sitting: Have you noticed that alpha men almost always sit nice and straight and almost never slouch? Another common habit that these guys have is that they take up space when they sit. It’s a way of making their presence known.

How to improve body language:

Stay fit: Go to the gym at least 3 times a week and work on your whole body. Dedicate one day for chest, shoulders and triceps. The second day you go, work on your legs. On the third day, work on your back and biceps. Working out your whole body will highly help you naturally maintain alpha male body language.

If the gym is not an option for you, do an activity that will allow you to stay physically active for 30 minutes a day.

Put your back against a wall: The wall will straighten up your posture. After a few seconds of standing against a wall, walk straight ahead keeping the same posture. Try this once a day.

Ask a friend to record you in a video while you’re standing, walking and siting in public. Study yourself and get your friends feedback on your body language.

Bottom Line:

One thing that is true about most women is that they can read body language in an instant. Within that instant of them studying you, they can determine whether they should consider you as a potential lover or not.

Make these body behaviors as a part of your daily habit if you want to come across as a man with alpha male body language. No matter where you are, there is always someone watching you, even if it’s for a brief moment. The ability to have alpha male body language everywhere you go will make instant impressions.

A guy starts building attraction towards a girl as soon as a girl lays her eyes on you. What do think girls would say about your body language right now?