How To Hook Up With 10s In College (For PUAs)

How To Hook Up With 10s In College (For PUAs)

Picking up girls in college is different from picking up girls in a night club. Girls have to guard their reputation more diligently, and there is no such thing as a “cold” approach in college.

There are two things that ultimately destroy your college dating success: First, if you get blown out from a set, you can’t just reset and try again; with every rejection, your social value decreases. Second, even if you are having success with the girls you cold approach, when you are seen running from girl to girl, this is very low value; eventually you will become known as the college PUA dude who chases tail around campus… and the 10’s at school will avoid you like the plague.

Cold approach is a lot like hunting. In the past, hunters had to go out into the woods for days and risk life and limb in order to bring back their kill. Fisher men on the other hand sat in a boat and throw bait into the water, and as all the fish come, they swoop them up.

In order to get the 10’s in college, you have to become a fisherman instead of a hunter.

How do you do this?

You must create a personal brand that acts as some serious “bait” that the hottest girls will come to you with. You control your brand based on who you are seen with, and what people say about you when you are not around.

Any clever lines you have are not going to cut it in college. People will catch on sooner or later. You must become the type of person that everyone is talking about, and you must have cool friends that are congruent with a guy who hooks up with the girls you consider 10s.