How to Identify FBI Badge From Its Replica

How to Identify FBI Badge From Its Replica

FBI badge is a special symbol of Federal Bureau of Investigation. FBI is an intelligence agency that works under the patronage of the US department of justice. The agency ensures the protection of US against terrorist activities or foreign threats. The agency also provides criminal justice services and ensures law enforcement.

FBI agents, after they undergo the rigorous training and takes vow of serving FBI, are awarded special badges as a symbol of their identification. FBI badges are considered as a symbol of honour and integrity. The FBI agents with these badges are identified to carry out outstanding inquiries. The badge of FBI signifies the power that the holder is free to take any action that is necessary for the implementation of law.

The FBI badge contains a number of elements that signifies the holder as a part of FBI. Although it is against the law to imitate or copy the badge, but due to modern technology, replica badges are available that are used for collecting purposes or the criminal services. So it is important to know the characteristics of FBI badges in detail so that one can differentiate between a real one and fake one.

Following are the attributes with which these badges are easily identifiable:

Size: The size of the badge is 3″x3″.

Colour: The FBI badges have golden colour.

Text: The text is written on the top, middle and bottom portion of the badge. At top, it is written “Federal Bureau of Investigation”, at middle is written U and S (abbreviation for United States), and at bottom it is written “Department of Justice”.

Images: There is an image of lady justice in the middle holding a torch and scale. The torch is thought to represent liberty and scale is considered to be a symbol of fairness. The top of the badge is shaped in the form of an eagle.

So all in all, FBI badge is an inspiring looking badge. It can be easily identified with the above attributes. Although its replicas are rarely available, but if you want to have one for collection purposes, check it online.